AHCA Minutes May

Potomac Crescent Waldorf School

Kathrin Breitt Brown provided a brief description of the 100-year-old Waldorf education program, with its emphasis on what it means to be a human being in a community. The Potomac Crescent Waldorf School, hosted in the Baptist Church at 23rd and Joyce, would like to increase enrollment from 77 to 97 students. No exterior changes would be made to the building. Ms. Brown asked for AHCA endorsement for their application to the County. A motion supporting the increased enrollment passed unanimously.

Spray Park Design for Virginia Highlands Park

Bruce Cameron led a discussion of three preliminary design options for a spray park in the Virginia Highlands Park. Attendees raised concerns about how to best manage unsupervised kids who may be at the spray park, preserving green space in the park, and behavior problems at the near-by basketball court. Mr. Cameron said the best way to get County attention would be for someone to volunteer to lead an effort among those with concerns.

A motion in favor of putting the spray park west of the Park tree line passed with 24 in favor and one opposed.


About 25 people attended the meeting. The meeting was held after a very successful and well-attended community-wide potluck and ice cream social. The social was held to celebrate the successful campaign by residents to convince the County Council to abandon plans to curtail the Aurora Hills Library's operating hours in favor of maintaining the current hours of operation.