Guest Speaker:Dennis Perry, Real Estate Representative for the United States
Postal Service, to talk about relocation of the retail function of the Eads Street
Post Office.
Childcare will be provided.
NEW AHCA OFFICERS needed for 2010 (PLEASE VOLUNTEER AT THE OCTOBER 14TH MEETING) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the October 14th meeting, we will be nominating new officers for 2010, with voting to take place at the November 2009 meeting. We are in URGENT need of someone to step forward to be the President of AHCA for 2010 (and we need volunteers for some of the other 5 officer slots). Given that Arlington County, by practice and by process, looks to Civic Associations as the primary conduits for feedback and inputs on county issues affecting local neighborhoods, it is imperative that Aurora Highlands have strong diverse leadership that will engage with county staff and elected officials on issues of concerns to our neighborhood. And given that Arlington Ridge and Aurora Highlands are in essence one area, we need the leadership of both civic associations to continue to work closely together. Please step forward and volunteer at the October 14th meeting.
EADS Street Post Office to move retail function!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Please come to the October 14th meeting to hear where possible new locations may be and to suggest options the USPS should consider.
Boo Ha Ha:
We need to vote on a final budget for the second annual Boo Ha Ha, and date, time and place; and then send out emails and flyers during second half of October.
Aurora Hills Library update:
Hopefully we can prevail on Bill Gillen or another neighbor to give an update on staffing issues at our Library and likely budget impacts for the next fiscal year, we need to be active on this issue now, as the next fiscal year is going to be even tougher.
Wakefield High School Rebuilding schedule:
Given the tough fiscal situation county will be facing next few years, we need to track issue of Wakefield rebuilding schedule to be sure there will be no attempts at slippage of the schedule farther into the future.
Aurora Highlands Civic Association
P.O. Box 25201 - Arlington, VA 22202
"The Association is a non-partisan organization of community residents formed to work in the overall community interest in promoting civic pride, enhancing the quality of life in the community, preserving the character of the community and planning for the orderly, safe, and humane development of the community" (AHCA Bylaws, Article II). The AHCA meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (unless specifically noted) in the Aurora Hills Recreation Center (735 S. 18th St.) at 7:00 p.m.
2009 Issues
AHCA account balance as of 6/30/09: $6751.49
Association Officers & Committee ChairsItems for the newsletter: Send items in e-mail messages (not attachments) to the newsletter editor, Bruce Cameron at
Plumbing: Master Service, LLC |
Calvery United Methodist Church 23rd and Grant Street, Crystal City Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 14 |
MT Vernon Baptist Church |
AHCA Newsletter--Happy to support our local businesses and organizations! Please contact us for our low advertising rates.
SOC Enterprises |
Our sincere thanks to SOC for their support of AHCA by printing our newsletter.