Army-Navy Drive Complete Streets

0 Comments December 4, 2020 |

This project will re-build Army Navy Drive, from S. Joyce St to 12th St, as a multimodal complete street featuring enhanced bicycle, transit, environmental, and pedestrian facilities.  The goal of the project is to improve the local connections between the Pentagon and the commercial, residential and retail services in Pentagon City and Crystal City for all modes of transportation.

The reconstruction will provide a cycle track (a physically separated two-way protected bicycle lane facility along the south side of Army Navy Drive), in addition to shorter and safer pedestrian crossings, and will accommodate future dedicated transit lanes and a floating island bus stop. Vehicle travel lanes will be reduced in number where appropriate and will be narrowed to dimensions appropriate for a slower urban context.  All traffic lights along Army-Navy Drive will have a protected left turn signal, which will reduce conflict with cyclists, pedestrians, and oncoming drivers.  Construction will be done in phases, due to start in Spring 2022 and be completed by Fall 2024.  View the YouTube of the November 18 Public Meeting here.

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