Ice Skating Rink Open until March
The plaza at Pentagon Row underwent major renovations in 2013 to create an amazing experience for guests. The ice skating rink is 50% larger with an outdoor dual-sided stone fireplace […]
The plaza at Pentagon Row underwent major renovations in 2013 to create an amazing experience for guests. The ice skating rink is 50% larger with an outdoor dual-sided stone fireplace […]
Join us for our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, November 14 at 7 p.m, Aurora Hills Community Center.
Meeting Agenda: AHCA elections; Senior Center update; Residential parking changes for new Pentagon Centre Building; Elementary school boundary decision.
Updates: Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center; Residential Parking Permit Forum; Scooters and Shared Mobility Devices; Leaf Collection; Miracle on 23rd St; Bowling coming to Crystal City.
Join us for our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, October 10 at 7 p.m, Aurora Hills Community Center.
Meeting Agenda: AHCA officer nominations; Proposed development behind Oakridge.
Updates: Uber/Lyft lot; Fall activities; Nelly Custis Park improvements contract awarded; Dog park update; Crystal City Crafts Market; Vote Nov 6!
Work has begun to open the gate onto Route 1 from the Uber/Lyft lot on S. Eads Street, in response to community requests to the County. Work should take about […]
Join us for our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, September 12 at 7 p.m, Aurora Hills Community Center.
Meeting Agenda: Restaurant Row/23rd St changes; Call for civic association officers; Fall Community Fest; Uber/Lyft lot on S. Eads St.
Updates: Upcoming Oakridge Elementary School Boundry meeting; Nelly Custis Park Update; Local Business going straw free; Fridays at the Fountain; Mosquitos and standing water; Absentee In-person voting starts Sept 26.
Join us instead for the AHCA picnic on Friday, July 13 @ Nelly Custis Park.
Community updates: Residential Parking Overhaul; Ice Cream Social for Neighbors 55+; Employment or Volunteer Opportunities; Rock at the Row Summer Concert Series; Remember to water your trees!
Join us for our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, June 13 at 7 p.m, Aurora Hills Community Center.
Meeting Agenda: Oakridge Walk Zones
Updates: Upcoming primaries; Hume School Volunteer Day; Intergenerational Ice Cream Social; Friends of Aurora Highlands Parks wins award; Arlington Free Clinic is Beneficiary of Aurora Hills Women’s Club Generosity; Restaurant Row Update – Cafe Italia & Los Tios; Pentagon Centre Construction; Aircraft Noise Update.
Join us for our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, May 9 at 7 p.m, Aurora Hills Community Center.
Meeting Agenda: Water Main Replacements in the Neighborhood; Closure of Pedestrian Tunnel Under Route 1; What’s Going on with the Old Dominion Virginia Substation Site at 18th and Ives?; Update on Construction at National Airport.
Updates: Off-leash Dogs; Order Your Free Shade Tree Now; Capital Bikeshare Coming to the Mount Vernon Trail; Bike to Work Day, May 18; Bike to Work Day, May 18; Bike to Work Day, May 18.
Join us for our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, April 11 at 7 p.m, Aurora Hills Community Center.
Meeting Agenda: Oakridge Walk Zone Review; Invasive Plant Treatment for 31st St Site; Water Pollution Control Plant letter; Virginia Highlands Park use of West Side.
Updates: Community Spring Party success; Nelly Custis Park renovation still in construction planning; Route 1 pedestrian tunnel going away; Crystal City Farmers Market now open; DMV 2 GO on April 12.
We had a great turnout of about 100 neighbors on March 31 at our pop-up party to celebrate spring. Kids made kites and as the wind obliged 40 kites took […]
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