Comments due Wednesday, January 18, 2023: GW Parkway and Mount Vernon Trail

0 Comments January 5, 2023 |

Proposed plan to improve the south section of George Washington Memorial Parkway and Mount Vernon Trail – Comments due Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The National Park Service (NPS) is gathering public comments on their proposals to improve the south section of the George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWP) and the Mount Vernon Trail (MVT).  Note that several relevant documents are linked at the bottom of the project page, including the PDF of the slides presented at the December 6 online public engagement.  Review this PDF for a general review, relevant maps, and specific proposals.  This plan covers the entire NPS sections of the Mount Vernon Trail and the GWP from the Wilson Bridge to the southern terminus of the GWP. Submit your comments online through this link: or mail comments to: Superintendent, Attn: GWMP South and MVT Plan / EA, 700 George Washington Memorial Parkway, McLean, VA 22101 

What are the proposals:  The lists of the Proposed Actions and Alternatives, which begin on slide 24 of the PDF from the December 6 public meeting are the key planning elements that should be addressed in comments.  The primary proposed improvement to the GWP south section is a road diet – a lane reduction to one lane each direction, with extra space used for shoulders, a middle turn lane, and several improved intersections, including crosswalks. Proposed MVT improvements include widening the north section of the trail to 11’ and the south section to 10’, wider bridges if being replaced, safer intersections, and improved comfort stations.  NPS proposes a new comfort station at Gravelly Point, but removing the PortaJohn at Riverside.  Check out the current path widths on the last page of the Mount Vernon Trail Corridor Study report. According to the NPS presentation, comments on existing conditions and specific additional improvements are welcome.

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