Community Meeting Thursday Oct. 26 to Discuss Livability22202 Priorities

0 Comments October 23, 2023 |

Reminder of Livability22202 Meeting

Thursday, October 26, 7-9 pm at Amazon’s Visitor Landing Center, 545 15th St., South

Reminder: We are having an important meeting this Thursday, October 26 from 7-9 pm to discuss updating the Livability22202 priorities set in November 2019.  Following several months of consideration and in response to feedback from all three civic associations and others, the revised draft priorities have changed slightly.  You can see them here on the Livability22202 website.  We will be focusing Thursday primarily on Tier One and Two with two goals in mind to eventually: 1) provide Livability22202 updated priorities directly to the County; and 2) provide input to the Crystal and Pentagon Cities Council (CPCC) for priorities to send to the County.

The united front of the three civic associations in 22202–Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, and Crystal City–has had a decided impact on County and developers’ planning. We want to maintain a united front on our top priorities, especially those that may require extensive financial support.

The meeting will be held in Amazon’s beautiful new Visitor Landing Center at 545 S. 15th Street (entrance at the corner of 15th and Elm Streets.)  Please come join us to learn how the priorities can be updated, ask questions, and express any concerns you might have.  We need to come to closure by the end of November, so this meeting is an important step in the community process.

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