Livability Statement

0 Comments March 11, 2019 |

The following statement was adopted by membership at the Wednesday, March 13, 2019 civic association meeting.

Long-term trends and the arrival of Amazon’s headquarters portend rapid growth in 22202 and adjacent areas. The Aurora Highlands Civic Association therefore requests the County develop a comprehensive long-term livability plan for these neighborhoods.

We emphasize the need for the holistic planning involving collaboration of the County with developers, landscape designers, urban planners, engineers, and energy and water experts. Planning for 22202 also needs to include adaptation to the major environmental changes projected for the decades ahead. A collaborative, long-view effort is essential to ensuring adequate resources and infrastructure, and the highest quality of life with the smallest environmental footprint.

Our priorities for planning, which must be based on comprehensive and transparent data, include:

  • Environmental infrastructure (built and natural) addressing wastewater management, energy use, heat island reduction, and air quality.
  • Comprehensive housing assessment based on affordability, demographics, and accessibility.
  • Transportation and transit studies that reach beyond individual site plan analysis.
  • Assessment of school space needs based on current and future population and trends in family size, cost of living, and social predictions.
  • Assessment of outdoor and community space needs based on predicted population demographics.
  • Assessment of public safety needs including access to police, fire, rescue, and emergency medical services.
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