February 2017 Newsletter

0 Comments February 19, 2017 |

[Original PDF here]


All Aurora Highlands residents are invited and encouraged to come to our monthly meetings where we meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, February 8 at 7 p.m.

Aurora Hills Library, Back Room

735 18th St. S.

*** Note change in meeting space ***

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – February 2017


2017 DUES ARE DUE. AHCA dues are still a bargain at $20 per household. Please pay your 2017 dues either in the envelope accompanying this newsletter or by going online, where you can pay by Paypal. Go to aurorahighlands.org.


Meeting Agenda


For Discussion

  • Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy (AIRE). Please join us at our meeting and get a free LED bulb from Arlington’s Rethink Energy program. Staff from AIRE will provide information about Arlington’s home energy rebate program, StormwaterWise program, solar co-op, and green home certification, and showcase other tools to help you save energy, reduce runoff, and save money.

  • News from Pentagon Row. Come hear what representatives from Federal Realty, the owners of Pentagon Row, have to tell us about “exciting things in the works” for the shopping area. We have seen a lot of vacancies over the past couple of years so we’re looking forward to learning more about new and prospective tenants. Bring your feedback about what’s there and your own ideas for the shopping center.

Community Updates

  • Short-term Rentals. On Jan. 28, the County Board amended its recently adopted zoning regulations that define short-term residential rentals (think Airbnb, VRBO, etc.). The new amendment allows renters, in addition to homeowners, to use their dwelling for “accessory homestays.” Condo association and apartment building management can still prohibit or limit accessory homestays, and landlords could also restrict such rentals in their contracts.

  • Potomac Yards Redevelopment. North Potomac Yard is a 69-acre site located just south of Crystal City, currently occupied by the Target shopping center and Regal Potomac Yard Theater. Mixed-use redevelopment will occur in multiple phases. Phase 1, on the 25-acre site currently occupied by the Regal Potomac Yard Movie Theater, will include retail, residential, office, and hotel development focused on a central pedestrian-oriented street. We anticipate having a presentation on this development at a future AHCA meeting. In the meantime, for more information on plans, visit https://www.alexandriava.gov/planning/info/default.aspx?id=92067

  • Airport Noise. The FAA’s proposed changes to airline departures had many local communities concerned about increased noise. The FAA recently announced its decision “to discontinue its work on the departure procedure from Washington Reagan National Airport known as Lazir B and to cancel its implementation. The decision follows a review of public input, including comments gathered at community meetings, inquiries from political leaders and the public, and discussions in citizens’ advisory forums. The FAA will continue to support the efforts of the DCA Community Noise Working Group.” Many thanks to Congressman Don Beyer and County Board members for their leadership on this issue.

  • Civic Engagement. Are there issues that bug you? Get engaged, not outraged. Here are some resources, from simple apps for reporting problems to programs for becoming a more effective neighborhood advocate:

    1. Report a Problem. You can report problems–such as burned-out streetlights, broken meters, potholes, and dead street trees—from a computer or a phone. The phone app allows you to snap a picture, which will use GPS to identify the exact location. For more info: https://topics.arlingtonva.us/reportproblem/online-service-request-tool/
    2. Contact the Resident Ombudsman. The Ombudsman, Robert Sharpe, troubleshoots resident issues not easily resolved through standard means such as the Report a Problem tool. 703-228-1762 or rsharpe@arlingtonva.us
    3. Learn how to become a neighborhood advocate and effect change through Arlington County’s free Neighborhood College program. The program develops civic engagement and leadership skills, and is geared toward Arlingtonians who want to become more involved in neighborhood and County-wide issues. Apply online by February 6. https://newsroom.arlingtonva.us/release/become-an-effective-advocate-apply-to- neighborhood-college/
    4. Learn about residential and commercial development plans for your neighborhood. https://projects.arlingtonva.us/
    5. Find all sorts of data about Arlington, from staff directories and County expenditures to police incidents and recreational events to school enrollment and building permits. All online at Arlington’s Open Data Portal: https://data.arlingtonva.us/home/

Important Websites

Aurora Highlands Civic Assoc. Join Here:
Neighborhood Nextdoor site
4D-A Neighborhood Listserv

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group on Nextdoor to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues. We also encourage people to use Nextdoor as a way to spread the word about events or other items of interest to the whole 22202 community.


Aurora Highlands Civic Association Officers
AHCA P.O. Box 25201 – Arlington, VA 22202

President Natasha Atkins president@aurorahighlands.org
First Vice President Rob Sidman recordingsecretary@aurorahighlands.org
Second Vice President Scott Miles scott.miles@aurorahighlands.org
Treasurer Galo Valarezo treasurer@aurorahighlands.org
Recording Secretary Maureen Quinn recordingsecretary@aurorahighlands.org
Correspondence Secretary Heather Spence correspondingsecretary@aurorahighlands.org
Neighborhood Conservation David Litman

Bruce Cameron



Newsletter Distribution Les Garrison aabbn@juno.com
 Zoning Brent Spence
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