July 2018 Newsletter

0 Comments July 12, 2018 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


All Aurora Highlands / Pentagon City residents are encouraged to come to our monthly meetings to meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.


Join us instead for the AHCA picnic on Friday, July 13

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – July 2018


Community Dates and Updates

Residential Parking Overhaul. On-street parking is a valuable community resource. In high-density neighborhoods near commercial centers, competition for on-street parking – by residents and visitors – can be fierce. The Residential Permit Program regulates parking on many of our neighborhood streets. The County is now revisiting the purpose and function of the RPP. Your first chance to weigh in is via an online comment form. Visit https://projects.arlingtonva.us/residential-permit-parking-rpp-review/.

Ice Cream Social for Neighbors 55+. Arlington County’s Office of Senior Adult Programs is putting on an ice cream social at the Aurora Hills Senior Center on Friday, August 10, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. For a paltry $3.00, less than you’d spend at any ice cream shop here, you’ll get lots of flavors and toppings to choose from and entertainment by the Morroy Sisters. Please sign up at the Senior Center and get yourself a serving (or 2!) of cool deliciousness on a hot summer’s day.

Seeking Employment or Volunteer Opportunities? Arlington Employment Center’s Fernando Delgado will discuss the Center’s free services to help you find work (including short-term and part-time) and volunteer opportunities on Monday, July 16, 1–2 p.m. at Aurora Hills Senior Center.

Rock at the Row Summer Concert Series. Every Thursday night, 7–9 p.m. at Pentagon Row, July 12 to August 23. The lineup includes Nelly’s Echo Band, Matt Hutchison Duo, Marcella Duo, The Rockets, Capital Sound + Brigadier Brass from the 257th Army Band, Kristen and the Noise, Marine Latin Jazz Ensemble.

Remember to Water Your Trees! If your tree was planted in the last 3 years, please give it 20 gallons of water per week over the summer. If you don’t have a watering bag, leave the hose on a trickle for 30-60 minutes. Even established trees suffer in prolonged heat.

If you are interested in advertising, please send an email to ahcanewsletterads@gmail.com.

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at Nextdoor.com to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.

Bank balance as of July 3: $10,063.17

Aurora Highlands Civic Association       P.O. Box 25201       Arlington, VA 22202

Please join online with Paypal www.aurorahighlands.org

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