July 2022 Newsletter
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Monthly Meeting Reminder
Wednesday, July 13, 7-9pm** VIRTUAL EVENT **
7:00 pm – AHCA Zoning Committee Report
7:10 pm – Update from the National Landing BID – Staff for the National Landing Business improvement district will join to share upcoming events and place-making as part of its expansion into the Pentagon City area.
7:50 pm – Americana Project – Staff for JBG will give a presentation and receive feedback on their new residential development proposal to replace the Americana hotel.
Other Business
New Business – Next Month: We will be off in August and restart again in September
The meeting will be virtual only. Please REGISTER NOW to receive a confirmation email with details about joining the meeting and the option to add a reminder to your calendar.
If you are unable to attend, but have questions you’d like raised for any agenda items, please email them to officers@aurorahighlands.org and we’ll do our best to address them during the meeting.
Note from the Vice President
Dear Neighbors,
Join us for our Virtual AHCA meeting on July 13th at 7 pm. During the summer I am acting president, as Cory prepares for her move back to the United States. Reflecting the summer schedule, this newsletter and our July meeting are lighter on content. We will not have a newsletter or meeting in August, before reconvening in September.
– Ben D’Avanzo, Vice-President, AHCA
Zoning Committee Update
The AHCA ZC continues to follow up on the AHCA approved resolutions regarding the Crystal City Heights Study / Eads Street Residential and Melwood GLUP Amendments. Updates:
*Melwood was approved for GLUP Amendment Tier 2 study on June 7. The study is expected to begin late 2022.
*The Arlington Civic Federation approved a resolution on June 13 calling for increased community engagement on GLUP Amendments and Studies and presented to the County Board June 18.
*. The AHCA ZC is researching the Missing Middle Study, with the goal of presenting analysis and proposed recommendation(s) for consideration in September. Please email stacy.meyer@ymail.com if you have opinions/input.
Private development:
During the June 23 Crystal City Citizen Review Council meeting, county staff reviewed current private development, ongoing County planning efforts, and near-term planning outlook. Only one site plan has currently submitted a final site plan – Crystal Plaza 5. JBG Smith proposes to demolish the existing buildings and build two 30-story residential towers with ground-floor retail. The first Site Plan Review Committee virtual meeting for this project is scheduled for July 11. The public is welcome to attend.
Many other projects are in the “pipeline”, with preliminary or conceptual applications. These projects include RiverHouse, the Americana, 2525 S Crystal Drive, Brookfield, and Crystal Towers. Watch for updates this fall for these projects and also for the Crystal City Building Heights Study (finishing up), Crystal City Bike Network (final recommendations and beginning implementation), and the CC2DCA project (next public engagement during NEPA process).
Park Naming Survey
JBG is asking for neighborhood input on the park names for the two Amazon developments at MetPark and Pen Place. The three naming options follow the historical, ecological, and geographical naming requirement. You can take the survey here https://bit.ly/3InJgxp
4 Mile Run – Trail and road closures and detours:
On May 9, the County closed both vehicular traffic lanes on West Glebe Road Bridge because of continuing bridge deterioration. The County posted a map with suggested detours for drivers and one for bike-peds. While cyclists and pedestrians may still cross on the bridge, they can not longer pass under the bridge on 4 Mile Run Trail. However, the detour around the bridge is well-marked, easy, and safe because the bridge is closed to cars.. Watch out for a new ped bridge over 4 Mile Run that is currently being built. https://bit.ly/3yq2NZL
The Dominion Energy Glebe Transmission Project between S. Eads and Route 1 and S. Glebe and the 4MRT, will require closure of the existing 4 Mile Run Trail between Eads and Route 1 for several years. Dominion is installing a temporary boardwalk to replace the existing trail. During the boardwalk installation, cyclists and pedestrians will follow a detour along Glebe and Route 1. https://bit.ly/3OU6Jsz
What’s going on in our area?
The Crystal City – Pentagon City area map (https://bit.ly/3NNowQG) provides a look at active projects, private development, and County-led planning efforts. Mapped projects include transportation, parks, and commercial development. Projects and plans are color-coded by phase and filterable to help community members and the public better understand what’s currently under construction and what’s to come. Take a look at County plans and study areas, discover upcoming projects in our neighborhood, or keep up to date with projects of interest. The Crystal City – Pentagon City area map is updated on a monthly basis. You can also use the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Map, an interactive map (https://bit.ly/3ybPhZu) to view completed, funded, and proposed CIP projects throughout the county.
Metro Disruptions
Potomac Yard Metro work will disrupt Blue and Yellow line Metro service south of the DCA stop starting Saturday, September 10. Metro announced travel alternatives to help customers prepare for major Blue and Yellow line construction this fall. Starting Saturday, September 10, Metro will begin work to connect the future Potomac Yard Station with the mainline rail system and to rehabilitate the Yellow Line tunnel and bridge between Pentagon and L’Enfant Plaza stations. The projects will impact Blue and Yellow line service in two phases over eight months, and free shuttle bus service will be available for customers throughout the duration
DOT Route 1 Multimodal Improvements Study Phase Two: Update
On June 15, the Crystal City Civic Association sponsored an overview of the VDOT feasibility study on bringing Route 1 down to grade, what the Route 1 Working Group sees as the problems with the plan, and suggestions that Livability 22202 has for the intersection at 18th Street and Rt 1. Read more: https://bit.ly/3NO8xBW
VDOT held a public meeting on June 21 on their alternative proposals fon the space between the building faces across the proposed at-grade urban Route 1 boulevard. Attendees preferred protected bike lanes and 10’ wide minimum clear zone sidewalks. Review the meeting recording and presentation here: https://bit.ly/3yoDHKu Send your ideas and comments to VDOT by July 15.
Newsletters & Social Media
We have heard from residents that really enjoy having a print newsletter. While we’ll do our best to continue it, that will depend on continued support from advertisers and volunteers to assemble it. Sign up for newsletters by email at aurorahighlands.org/join-ahca and follow us at @AuroraHighlands on Twitter, Facebook, or Insta to stay connected no matter what.
>> Dues are Due! <<
Please show your support for AHCA and our community by sending in your annual dues for 2022. It’s only $20 per household and helps support this monthly newsletter, community events, and other neighborhood building activities, and also lets you vote at meetings. Please pay online at aurorahighlands.org by clicking the “Donate” button to pay by PayPal. Checks can also be mailed to AHCA, P.O. Box 25201, Arlington, VA 22202. Thank You!
Deadline to register to vote in the June primary is May 31. You may request a mail-in ballot or you can vote early in person at the County early voting site. All the information you need to find out how to vote is on the County election website.
Newsletters & Social Media
We have heard from residents that really enjoy having a print newsletter. While we’ll do our best to continue it, that will depend on continued support from advertisers and volunteers to assemble it. Sign up for newsletters by email at aurorahighlands.org/join-ahca and follow us at @AuroraHighlands on Twitter, Facebook, or Insta to stay connected no matter what.
Mark Your Calendar
For details, see related articles and https://aurorahighlands.org/events/
Open Door Mondays
Every Monday, 7-8:30pm
Talk to a County Board member on any topic. bit.ly/arl-board-mondays
DPR Spring Programs – Sign Up NOW!
Follow this link to sign up for camps, sports and programs for kids, adults and seniors.
55+ Programs @ Aurora Hills
If you are 55 or older, check out the 55+ Pass programs at Aurora Hills. https://bit.ly/arl-ah55plus

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Send inquiries to newsletter@aurorahighlands.org

Category: Uncategorized
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