June 2023 Newsletter
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Welcome to the June newsletter online version!
If you prefer, you can view the June PDF print version here. Links are live!
Monthly Meeting Reminder
Wednesday, June 14, 7-9pm** VIRTUAL EVENT **
7:00 pm – Call to order and approve May meeting minutes
7:10 pm – Presentation: Pamela Van Hine and Dana Bres will discuss VDOT Route 1 Multimodal Feasibility Improvements study Phase 2
7:40 pm – Presentation: Mary Glass of ATAG will present Sustainable Scoop’s video on the condition of Arlington’s tree canopy
8:10 pm – County requests for Comment – Use permit for Lantern Karaoke at 320 23rd St. S
8:20 pm – Committee Reports –
8:30 pm – Other Business / New Business
9:00 pm – Adjourn
The meeting will be virtual only. Please REGISTER NOW to receive a confirmation email with details about joining the meeting and the option to add a reminder to your calendar.
If you are unable to attend, but have questions you’d like raised for any agenda items, please email them to officers@aurorahighlands.org and we’ll do our best to address them during the meeting.
Note from the President
Dear Neighbors,
Our tiny neighborhood has been barraged by many existential issues in the past couple of years, including increasing density, traffic, crime, noise, and a severe loss of tree canopy. While there have been positive changes as well, there are many issues that concern us and it takes a lot of work to monitor and respond to the construction projects, use permits, and zoning changes. The effort required to make sure our interests and concerns are considered is enormous and falls to a very small but dedicated group of your neighbors.
In order to know that we are truly and faithfully representing your interests and concerns as a resident of Aurora Highlands, we need to hear your voice. We need you to let us know what concerns you and what your hopes and goals are for the future of our neighborhood. We also need you to be involved. Please share your time, passion and expertise in any way you can by attending our monthly meetings and volunteering in some small way to help us do what AHCA exists for: to strive to keep Aurora Highlands a desirable place to live that not only has cool amenities and access to public transit, but is also safe, quiet, clean and healthy, with good schools and an enriching cultural environment. Come to the meeting on Wednesday and tell us what matters to you.
At our June 14 meeting, Pam Van Hine of the Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Dana Bres of the Bicycle Advisory Committee will give an update on the Route 1 Multimodal Feasibility Study. We will then have a video presentation by neighborhood NGO, The Sustainable Scoop, on the loss of Arlington’s Tree Canopy, followed by a presentation on how to apply for free trees through the Tree Equity Fund.
AHCA will be on hiatus for the summer, returning in September with renewed vigor and determination. In September we hope to return to in-person meetings at the Aurora Hills Rec Center.
-Cory Giacobbe, President, AHCA
See aurorahighlands.org/events/
- June 1-30 – Gallery Underground: UN|NATURAL: A Group Exhibition by the Students of the Arlington Career Center
- June 9 to August 11 – Lubber Run Summer Concert Series, Fri-Sat-Sun
- June 12 – Gateway to Fitness: Yoga, Gateway Green, 6-7 pm, free, Register here
- June 12 & 26 – Virtual Open Door Mondays with County Board members 7-9 pm
- June 13 – Words for the World: An Anthology of Arlington Young Poets, Central Library, 6:00 to 7:30 pm
- June 14 – June AHCA Meeting, 7 – 9 pm, online via Zoom
- June 17 – Grand Opening Celebration of Amazon HQ2 at MetPark 9 am – 1 pm
- June 17 – Reinvention Garage by artist Chris Combs, at Columbia Pike Blues Festival
- June 19 – Gateway to Fitness: Yoga, Gateway Green, 6-7 pm, free, Register here
- June 20 – 55+ Juneteenth Presentation and Poetry, Walter Reed Community Center, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, registration required
- June 22 – Open Lab at The Shop with Chris Combs, Central Library, 4:30 – 7:30 pm
- June 24 – Teen Saturday Trip Series, Ages 11-16, Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 10 am – 1:30 pm, click on link for future dates and destinations.
- June 26 – Gateway to Fitness: HIIT, Gateway Green, 6-7 pm, free, Register here
- June 26 to August 11 – Arlington Mill Teen Drop-In, Arlington Mill Community Center, weekdays, 1-5 pm, ages 11-16
- June 24 – Fort Scott Invasive Plant Removal, 9-11 a.m. Register here
- June 30 – Movies at Aurora Hills, “What About Bob?” (comedy), 12:30 – 2:30 pm
- July 1 – Haley Park Invasive Plant Removal, 9-11 a.m. Register here
Aurora Hills Community Center Events for Seniors
55+ Activities – Summer Registration for 55+ programs, events and classes is open!
The Summer Activity Guide is here. View activities and register! There are great programs for fitness, art, music, dance, trips, hikes, parties and more!
Newsletters & Social Media
We have heard from residents that they really enjoy having a print newsletter. While we’ll do our best to continue it, that will depend on continued support from advertisers and volunteers to distribute it. Sign up for newsletters by email at aurorahighlands.org/join-ahca and follow us at @AuroraHighlands on Twitter, Facebook, or Insta to stay connected no matter what.
The 4D-A group list-serve is an alternative to Nextdoor for hyper-local information and to post queries to your neighbors: To subscribe, send a message to :
for information on the group and how to join and post, visit:
Aurora Highlands Civic Association (AHCA) Dues for Calendar Year 2023
Please show your support for AHCA and the community by paying the annual dues for 2023. The cost is $20 per household and is used to support the monthly newsletter, community events, and other neighborhood building activities, and additionally, is required to be able to vote on referendums at meetings. There are two ways to pay dues, either mail a check to AHCA, P.O. Box 25201, Arlington, VA 22202, or go to www.aurorahighlands.org and click the “Donate” button to pay by PayPal.
** Paying by check saves the AHCA the PayPal transaction fee.
AHCA June Meeting Guest Presentations:
Pamela Van Hine and Dana Bres will discuss VDOT Route 1 Multimodal Feasibility Improvements study Phase 2 (Comments due June 16!)
VDOT held the virtual 4th Public Information Meeting for Phase 2 of the Route 1 study on Monday, May 15. In case you could not attend the meeting (or want to review the materials), you can find the meeting recording and slides here, under “materials”. Details on how to submit your comments are also on the meeting page. Comments are due Friday, June 16. This project is behind schedule; watch for a delayed draft and final Phase 2 report and PIM 5 (Spring, 2024!).
The Livability22202 Route 1 Working Group continues to review Route 1 plans. Overall members are pleased with the proposed 160’ right of way for Route 1 North of 18th, with a wide tree-lines median and generous tree-lined landscaping zone, and adequate “roll lane” (for cyclists and micromobiles) and sidewalks. Plans for Route 1 intersections with 23rd, 20th, and 15th are major improvements over current conditions. Preliminary plans for changing ramps/intersections for I-395/Route 1/Route 110 are exciting, but yet unfunded and a separate project. However, many members of the Working Group remain concerned about several Route 1 plans, especially regarding: an at-grade intersection of Route 1 and 18th Street; the scope, design, and details of the TDM program (appears to be both redundant, yet insufficient), the incomplete 25 mph speed study, lack of enforcement plan, and still-to-wide 11’ travel lanes.
As many area cyclists and pedestrians also share these concerns about VDOT plans, the BAC-PAC invited Dan Reinhard, the Route 1 project manager, and Route 1 team, to the joint BAC-PAC meeting held on Monday, June 5 (VDOT presentation starts at 31 minutes into video). Much of this presentation was similar to PIM 4, but some surprising new details came up as well. Pamela Van Hine and Dana Bres will discuss these during the June 14 virtual AHCA meeting. Please plan to attend.
Mary Glass will present Sustainable Scoop’s will video on the condition of Arlington’s tree canopy
Mary Glass of Arlington Tree Action Group (ATAG) will introduce the Sustainable Scoop program and show a video produced by students that explores the disappearing tree canopy of Arlington. Sustainable Scoop develops strong future civic leaders by providing ground-breaking employment training, programming, and production experiences in the Media Arts, especially for generation Z. On May 25, Sustainable Scoop held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate their new permanent home in the Melwood Complex on 23rd Street. Thanks to the Melwood Horticultural Training Center Inc., Sustainable Scoop can now provide a media library, instructional materials, studio space, and production training to students who are passionate about supporting our mission. Courses encourage questioning and aim to develop global civic-minded citizens. They produce impactful Interviews, Public Service Announcements, News Stories, and Narrative Films. These projects, along with the experience they provide, fulfill community service requirements and offer internship oversight.
The purpose of grand opening and ribbon cutting event was to present their program and engage in a meaningful round-table discussion to ensure that its DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs align with the needs of our youth community. Together, the organization aims to cater to all young people and to make a special effort to reach neurodiverse and minority students who lack access to programs that inspire and foster ambition. Sustainable Scoop is an inclusive media program founded on the principle of sustainability. The mission of the organization is to empower young individuals who wish to explore, investigate, and raise public awareness about sustainability issues through constructive and credible media. Students aged 15 to 25 are encouraged to reach out and interview for an internship. The internships are tailored to provide skills training while exploring sustainability-related issues. For more information, please get in touch with us at miriam@sustainablescoop.org. Once trained, students will be eligible for recommendations and referrals to paid jobs.
Community members are also invited to donate books, art, and media supplies to the John Fantucchio Media Library, which features the DaVinci and Rockwell rare book collections and other original art and instructional materials. The library classroom and studio are at 750 23rd Street South. Visiting hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM by appointment. Visit the Sustainable Scoop website for more information: https://sustainablescoop.org/
Neighborhood News
Grand Opening Celebration of Amazon HQ2 at MetPark on Saturday, June 17, 9 am – 1 pm
Amazon invites neighbors, employees and their families to a free Community Day in Metropolitan Park to celebrate the opening of HQ2. The festival will feature HQ2 retailers, community leaders, neighborhood small businesses and restaurants, more than 50 local farmer’s market vendors, Amazon creators, and more. Check out Amazon’s new Rivian electric delivery vans, see local art, dance with the DJ, hang in the kids zone, take photos in the photo booth.
There will be a brief program at 10 am with local community leaders to celebrate the official opening of the 2.5 acre public park and kick off the farmer’s market season.
Home to Arlington’s newest public open space, Metropolitan Park is thoughtfully designed with native plantings for a variety of uses, including a dog park, recreation areas, walking and bike paths, a children’s area, and art installations.
The location of the celebration will be:
Metropolitan Park at Amazon HQ2
510 14th Street South, Arlington
Amazon HQ2 at MetPark: Metropolitan Park, and Farmer’s Market Open in June!
In addition to the grand opening of the Amazon HQ2 MetPark buildings Merlin and Jasper, also look for EatLoco, a new Farmers’ Market starting on June 17, as well as new retail on Eads, 14th, and 15th. The local resident humans and their dogs are already using the new playground, small and large dog runs, and the beautiful new paths through the park.
Free Outdoor Summer Movies Series on Wednesday Nights
Westpost/Pentagon Row is hosting a series of free outdoor movies on Wednesdays in June and early July, starting with “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” on Wednesday, June 14. Movies start at 7:45. Bring your own chairs and blankets.
- June 14: “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”
- June 21: “Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle”
- June 28: “Toy Story 3”
- July 5: “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
No tickets required. RSVP here to receive updates.
County News
Engage Arlington: Visit this site frequently for new opportunities to give the County feedback!
Voting Reminder – In person Voting for Democratic Primary is Tuesday, June 20
Important dates for the Democratic Primary:
- It’s too late to register to vote or update your registration before the June 20 primary – but you can complete forms to update your registration records (or register) on Election Day at your polling place!
- Last day to apply for a mail ballot: 5 pm, June 9
- Last day to vote early in person is Saturday, June 17, between 9 am and 5 pm. Find all early voting sites and their dates and times that they are open here.
- Mail Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before June 20 and received by 12 pm June 23. Don’t forget that you can also drop off your completed ballot (and signed envelopes) at your regular polling place on Election Day – or in our local Drop Box (outside Aurora Highlands Community Center) until 7 pm on June 20.
- Vote in person in your precinct on Tuesday June 20, any time between 6 am and 7 pm. Find all the information you need to vote in person through this County voting page.
Know before you go: Who you’ll vote for (sample ballots are here; see this Arlington Democrats page for candidate page links); how ranked voting works (only being used for the Democratic Candidates for the County Board); where you vote; ID requirements (hint – please don’t present an out-of-state driver’s license); and curbside voting (65+, disabled, COVID+ – try it!)

New Stormwater Utility Fee Coming in 2024
The County is changing the way it funds the Stormwater Management Program. Currently, the program is funded by a sanitary district tax based on a property’s real estate assessment. Beginning in 2024, the County will change to a Stormwater Utility fee based on the amount of impervious area (IA) on a property, i.e. hard surfaces like roofs and driveways that don’t let rain runoff soak into the ground, as shown in yellow in the image on the website here. Customers will receive the first Stormwater Utility fee with the real estate bill in May 2024.
The Stormwater Utility billing unit is called a Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU), based on 2,400 square feet of impervious area (IA). This is the median impervious area on Arlington County residential parcels. The amount of impervious surface on each property is determined by satellite imagery. According to this chart on the Stormwater Program website, a house with less than 1,600 square feet of impervious area will pay 0.6 ERU. Between 1,600 and 3,600 square feet of IA equals 1.0 ERU. From 3,600 to 4,800 square feet of IA equals 1.7 ERU. Each ERU is estimated to cost $230-250. Under the proposal, duplex and townhome owners will pay a flat unit of 0.6 ERU. Multifamily apartments and condos will pay 0.18 ERU per dwelling unit.
Homeowners will be able to earn a tax credit of up to 35% for doing certain voluntary actions that retain stormwater on the property, such as tree planting, conservation landscaping or water collection. You can apply for the credit from November 1, 2023 through January 15, 2024. See the credit page here.
Because the Stormwater Utility fee is still in development, the rate per ERU has not been finalized. Additionally, since the fee is based on a cost recovery model, it is also dependent upon the adopted budget. There will be another public hearing in fall 2023 before the Board officially adopts the utility fee, ordinances, and sets the Calendar Year 2024 utility rate.
FOOD for Thought
County staff are continuing to incorporate aspects of the current Temporary Outdoor Seating Area (TOSA) program into the new Future of Outdoor Dining (FOOD) program. Meanwhile current TOSA regulations will stay in effect until August 15, when the new FOOD regulations will take effect. See the recently released FOOD study overview presented at the ZOCA meeting on May 9. How do you feel about local outdoor dining in our neighborhood? The issue will be considered by the various county committees and commissions in June and July, and will come before the County Board on July 15. Send in your comments to TOSA@arlingtonva.us.
Arlington County Draft Historic and Cultural Resources Plan Feedback Form (Through June 20)
How should we celebrate people, stories and buildings? Share your comments on the updated draft Historic and Cultural Resources Plan through June 20 to help guide how to protect, interpret, celebrate and educate people about Arlington’s history, built environment and cultural heritage.
Construction Updates
Neighborhood Construction Information Resources
The County Crystal City-Pentagon City Area Map shows information on commercial development and transportation projects in our area, with links to project pages and contact information. The National Landing BID page on construction projects provides additional construction information.
Glebe Substation and Electric Transmission Project – Dominion Energy Update:
On May 24, Dominion Energy sent out this construction alert for the Glebe Substation project:
Arlington County side updates:
Construction crews are nearing the end of installing the metal rails for the receiving pit inside Glebe Substation. Once complete, we will begin excavating the receiving pit. There will be an increase in truck traffic on S. Eads Street Monday through Saturday while we haul away the excavated material from the substation.
When necessary, flaggers will be utilized on both sides of the substation to ensure the safety of trail users as trucks enter and exit the work site. While we will do our best to limit interruptions to trail use, your safety and the safety of our team is our number one priority. Additional non-slip coating will be applied to the temporary boardwalk diversion in early June 2023 to enhance safety for trail users.
City of Alexandria side updates: The launch pit installation is now complete. Micro tunneling is scheduled to begin in July 2023.
Visit the project website for more information. Meanwhile, the Dominion Energy Crystal Substation continues its major deconstruction, construction, and traffic detours. Their target completion deadline, Spring, 2023, is approaching quickly. Note the County page for this project as well. Can’t wait to be able to walk on the west side of Fern again!
Commercial Development Updates
The Planning Commission and the County Board approved the 4.1 plans for the Americana in April. JBGS worked with Arlington historians to review historic materials and capture images for preservation. The iconic signs have been placed in storage. Demolition of the hotel building is scheduled to start imminently, according to this ARLNow story. JBGS plans to start construction of the new building in Q1-Q2 of 2024.
Block W – 2525 Crystal Drive
JBGS has revised their initial plans for this site by substituting a much shorter (7 story) building that meets the height requirements of the current Crystal City Sector Plan. The new building would sit between Crystal Drive and the CSX RR tracks in an area that is now a parking lot, the down ramp from the Airport Access Road, and the beautiful longitudinal park in between. The existing open space to the north, and its beach volleyball courts, would remain. Plans include new sidewalks with landscaping, currently missing because of the exit ramp. Early concerns are its close proximity to the RR tracks, vehicular access, and general building design. JBGS plans to submit a 4.1 soon. See this ARLNow story.
Crystal Tower 3 has completed its SPRC process. The project was just discussed at the Transportation Commission, and is going before the Planning Commission, Housing Commission, and County Board in June. One remaining unresolved issue is the lack of a safe mid-block crossing on Eads; The civic associations and individual members have sent letters in support of this mid-block crossing.
Crystal Plaza Redevelopment Proposed
According to two recent media reports (Urban Turf and ARLNow), Dweck is proposing a new, narrow, tall (25 story) residential tower that would be wedged in between Rout One and a relocated Clark-Bell (shifted to the East). This project will require demolishing 70,899 square feet of the northern portion of the existing North Crystal Plaza Apartments building. Dweck says in its application that it will develop, with county staff, a plan to relocate tenants affected by the demolition. Stay tuned for more details when they develop.
RiverHouse Neighborhood: JBG Working on the County Response
JBGS is working on the County response to their current PDSP application with site plans for townhomes, condos, senior living, and several multifamily apartment buildings. See the Preliminary Plans section of the County’s Private Development website to view submitted plan sheets. Review the JBGS RiverHouse Neighborhood website for more information, including the slides from the open house on March 2..
Upcoming BID-related events are listed here.
GLUP Studies – In Progress
The General Land Use Plan (GLUP) is the primary policy guide for development in Arlington. Modifications to the GLUP may be requested in the form of an amendment or study. A list of current GLUP Amendments and GLUP Special Studies can be found at the Arlington County Website here.

Long Bridge Project – Update
The Long Bridge Project consists of a new 2-track RR bridge over the Potomac and new RR tracks on both sides of the Potomac. Part of the NEPA mitigation is adding a new bike-ped bridge just to the north of the new RR bridge. This bike-ped bridge will connect to the Mt Vernon Trail and the northern end of Long Bridge Park. Cyclists can then connect to a future new bike route by Long Bridge Drive. The Long Bridge Project, now managed by VPRA, is currently in the Preliminary Engineering phase, including a request for construction partners. Final design and construction will occur between 2024 and 2030. VPRA received a $20 million federal RAISE grant to help fund the projected $88 million needed for the bike-ped bridge. The total Long Bridge Project cost is projected to be 2 billion.
Army Navy Drive Complete Street Project Updates
In the coming weeks, crews will begin preparing to begin work on the Army Navy Drive Complete Street Project, on Army Navy Drive between South Joyce Street and 12th Street South. Ahead of construction, expect to see digital signs and equipment staged for work. Construction will take place in five broad stages, starting with demolition of the medians in the roadway. The project will rebuild Army Navy Drive within the existing right-of-way as a multimodal complete street featuring enhanced bicycle, transit, and pedestrian facilities. The goal of the project is to improve the local connections between the Pentagon and the commercial, residential and retail destinations in Pentagon City and Crystal City. Traffic impacts will be shared on an ongoing basis. To learn more, visit the project page.
West Glebe Road Bridge Reconstruction – Progress
The bridge is now open to two-way vehicular traffic, the west side sidewalk is again open again, and the 4 Mile Run Trail under the bridge is again open. Work on the east side of the bridge is not complete, so watch for short-term detours. The project is due to be completed this summer. Next up, reconstruction of the Arlington Ridge Road/Mt Vernon Avenue Bridge – design being finalized, and West Glebe Street Bridge needs to be finished first!
Yellow Line Reopens and the new Potomac Yard Metro Station Opens!
The Metro Yellow Line reopened on schedule on May 7, and the new Potomac Yard Metro station opened on May 19. Hopefully both will increase Metro ridership.
CC2DCA – Next public engagement coming soon:
Plans for CC2DCA – a multimodal bridge between Crystal Drive and DCA, with connections to the new Crystal City VRE station and Mt. Vernon Trail – are moving along. The Arlington County Board, during their May meeting, endorsed CC2DCA preferred alternative 7D and approved funding for the engineering study. The County project web site includes a link to the CC2DCA Spring newsletter that covers project progress and next steps. Watch for the next public engagement this summer! By the way, do NOT confuse CC2DCA with the older, but still unbuilt DCA South Pedestrian Access Project, along Route 233, the Airport Access Road.
Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion (ANC SE) construction remains a challenge
Arlington National Cemetery is expanding its space and number of burial sites through its Southern Expansion and the FHWA Defense Access Roads (DAR). DAR and the County are working together to relocate and realign the section of Columbia Pike next to the ANC, as well as make modifications to Joyce and existing connections to Washington Boulevard from Columbia Pike. Southgate Road, a favorite alternative for cyclists and pedestrians heading west on Columbia Pike, will be removed, but the realigned Columbia Pike will have a wide bike-ped path to replace it. Construction on South Parcel (for the new Operations Complex and maintenance bays) began in May 2023 and it is expected to be completed in June 2026. Construction at the cemetery is expected to begin in the summer of 2025 and be completed in the winter of 2027. Meanwhile, expect at least two more years of road construction, disruption, and detours in our area. The DAR project website is here. Arlington has both an ANC SE site and a Columbia Pike multimodal improvements site, which link to the DAR plans as well. Note that the section of Columbia Pike by the ANC is Segment A
1900 Crystal Drive – Stormwater Work requires nighttime closures of eastbound lane of 18th Street
Nighttime road work on the south side of 18th Street at the mid-block vehicle entrance between the hours of 6pm and 6:30am for about 4 weeks starting in early June. The two eastbound lanes of 18th Street are anticipated to be closed during these hours to allow for the installation of required new stormwater drainage infrastructure serving the surrounding areas; traffic control will be provided so that 2-way traffic, east and westbound, on 18th Street is unimpeded during this night work. During daytime hours, the work area will be covered with metal plates to allow typical access and vehicular traffic on 18th Street South.
Free ART Bus Rides for APS Students
Middle and high school students from Arlington Public Schools ride free anytime on Arlington Transit (ART), the County’s bus transit system, with an iRide SmarTrip card, https://bit.ly/3B3q84L
Teens Making a Difference (TMAD) – Youth Community Groups Volunteer Opportunity
Want to make a difference? TMAD (Teens Making a Difference) is a Service Club that helps students ages 12-18 plan service projects, learn leadership skills, and improve their schools and community. The program offers participants a chance to earn a stipend for work related learning programs. If interested in TMAD, apply through this application (no deadline). Visit this page for more information on the program.
Nature in the Neighborhood
Arlington County Civic Federation Update
For more information visit WalkArlington.com or read our article in the January 2023 AHCA newsletter
Advertise here and reach over 1,000 of your neighbors!
Send inquiries to newsletter@aurorahighlands.org
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