March 2017 Newsletter

0 Comments March 1, 2017 |

[Original PDF here]


All Aurora Highlands residents are invited and encouraged to come to our monthly meetings where we meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m.

Aurora Hills Library, Back Room

735 18th St. S.

*** Note meeting space ***

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – March 2017

2017 DUES ARE DUE. AHCA dues are still a bargain at $20 per household. Please pay your 2017 dues either in the envelope accompanying this newsletter or by going online, where you can pay by Paypal. Go to


Meeting Agenda


For Discussion

  • RiverHouse, etc. Representatives of the real estate development company JBG are coming to talk about plans for the Pentagon and Crystal City area. JBG recently merged with Vornado, which had been planning to add 933 loft-style apartments to its RiverHouse property at 1400 S. Joyce St. However, the merger has JBG rethinking its proposed Washington area development. Recent news articles have reported that Vornado has withdrawn its request for a special land amendment, which would have been necessary to add so much density. Several development plans in Crystal City have also been shelved. Come here about the future for these projects as well as for the stalled PenPlace office development between 12th St. and Army Navy Drive.

Community Updates

  • Neighborhood Traffic.
    The County is studying traffic operations and safety along S. Fern St. and S. Eads St. Specifically, staff have been collecting traffic volume, speed, and crash data, which they will be analyzing to see what steps might be necessary for remediating traffic conditions. Data collection should be finished in the next week and analysis will take 2-4 weeks more. Traffic engineers will be presenting their findings at AHCA’s May meeting but we will keep you posted as information becomes publicly available.
  • AHCA Socials Make a Come-back.
    Join old friends and meet new ones at the Crystal City Sports Pub, second floor, 529 23rd St. When: Tuesday, March 21, 6:30 p.m.
  • School Board Candidates Forum.
    Concerned about school crowding? Redrawn boundaries for elementary and high schools? Construction of a new high school? The three candidates for the May School Board primary – Maura McMahon, James Lander, and Monique O’Grady – will appear at a 22202 school issues forum at Oakridge Elementary School on Thursday, March 16 at 7 p.m.
  • South Park The County owns 4 acres of land between Route 1 and Potomac Ave., adjacent to Four Mile Run, and is holding public planning meetings to get community input. The second meeting will be at Gunston Middle School sometime in late March. To learn more, visit
  • Arlington Neighborhood Village Coffee & Speaker Series
    Arlington Neighborhood Village is a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization helping older residents continue living independently in Arlington. During the month of March, ANV’s weekly coffee & speaker series will be held at the Pentagon City Whole Foods every Wednesday, 10–11 a.m. This month’s series includes meetings with County Board member John Vihstadt, presentations on energy efficiency and financial assistance programs, brain training, and conservation easements. For more info on the speakers and on ANV’s other programs, please visit
  • Energy Efficiency Guidance—All You Need is a Library Card
    Looking to switch to more energy-efficient lightbulbs but daunted by the selection or worried about a harsh white glow? Concerned that some of your electronic devices are “energy vampires”? The Arlington Initiative to Rethink Energy (AIRE) has added a toolkit to help you figure this out. All it takes is an Arlington County Library card, with which you can borrow a variety of tools to test LED lighting and energy use in your home. One of these is a case containing ten different LED bulbs, including standard bulbs with various color ranges and brightness levels, and bulbs of different shapes for chandeliers, night lights, recessed fixtures, and flood lamps. All of the bulbs in the box are dimmable. The case also includes an LED lighting guide. In addition, AIRE has provided thermal imaging cameras to check out of the library. These will help you identify places in your house where hot or cold air is leaking in or out. Also available are energy monitors to see which of your devices or appliances are energy hogs.
  • Yoga Brunch
    The Sports Pub generously makes its 3rd floor available on Sunday mornings for an hour-long, all- levels vinyasa flow class, followed by drinks at the bar. The $15 registration fee includes the yoga class and your first drink of choice (beer, wine, mimosa, or non-alcoholic.) BYO mat and get your Sunday off to a vigorous start. 529 23rd St. S., 9:30 a.m.

Important Websites

Aurora Highlands Civic Assoc. Join Here:
Neighborhood Nextdoor site
4D-A Neighborhood Listserv

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group on Nextdoor to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues. We also encourage people to use Nextdoor as a way to spread the word about events or other items of interest to the whole 22202 community.

AHCA bank account balance (required by by-laws): $5,993.02 as of February 28, 2017.


Aurora Highlands Civic Association Officers
AHCA P.O. Box 25201 – Arlington, VA 22202

President Natasha Atkins
First Vice President Rob Sidman
Second Vice President Scott Miles
Treasurer Galo Valarezo
Recording Secretary Maureen Quinn
Correspondence Secretary Heather Spence
Neighborhood Conservation David Litman

Bruce Cameron

Newsletter Distribution Les Garrison
 Zoning Brent Spence
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