March 2018 Newsletter

0 Comments March 8, 2018 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


All Aurora Highlands / Pentagon City residents are encouraged to come to our monthly meetings to meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Aurora Hills Community Center
735 18th St. S.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – March 2018

Meeting Agenda

Walking to the airport? Biking from Long Bridge Park to the Mt. Vernon Trail? Watching eagles and waterfowl in Roach’s Run? All of these may become easier if Arlington follows through on various proposals. Two of our speakers will talk about plans that could improve accessibility to natural areas, the airport, DC, and bike/pedestrian trails.

Emissions Study for Water Pollution Control Plant. Neighbor Paul Guttridge, AHCA’s liaison to the WPCP task force reviewing plans for upgrading sewage treatment, will discuss results of an emissions study. The emissions would be generated by combustion of biogas produced when the solids are converted to a higher-grade product (Class A), which could be used as fertilizer.

Josh Nardas, Community Liaison for the National Park Service, will come to talk about topics including:

  • A “Missing link” bike-ped bridge between Long Bridge Park and Mount Vernon Trail
  • Boardwalk at Roach’s Run waterfowl sanctuary adjacent to Long Bridge Park
  • A new bike-ped path along a rehabilitated or replacement railroad bridge across the Potomac (the “Long Bridge project”)
  • Reservation of athletic fields at Gravelly Point
  • Natural history of nearby GW Parkway National Park
  • Volunteer opportunities

[UPDATE MARCH 13: Josh Nardas has informed us that he will not be able to attend. NPS is in an all-hands-on-deck emergency situation as a result of the recent windstorm. Josua has been tasked to the response team working at Prince William Forest Park, which has been closed due to nearly 1,000 trees down.]

Rob Mandle, Chief Operating Officer of the Crystal City Business Improvement District, will speak about the recently completed feasibility study of a Crystal City to DCA (CC2DCA) pedestrian connection. Rob will talk about the tunnel vs. bridge options, the proposed alignment of various options, and next steps for the project.

Community Dates and Updates

Oakridge Walk Zone Review: Community Feedback Needed. APS is conducting a full review of the current walk zones around each elementary school in order to identify possible areas for walk zone expansion and to take an inventory of “walkability needs.” This could result in both a larger walk zone for Oakridge and infrastructure improvements to make walking to Oakridge more accessible.

APS is seeking community feedback by March 19, particularly about what infrastructure is needed to facilitate walking to school and which planning units should be moved into the Oakridge Walk Zone (see a map of our planning units, walk zone, and the survey at resources/#Oakridge.

Meet County Board member Erik Gutshall Thursday, March 15, 7–9 p.m. The Arlington Ridge Civic Association (ARCA) invites Aurora Highlands residents to attend their meeting in the Aurora Highlands Community Center. You will have an opportunity to meet the newest board member, hear his priorities, and ask questions.

New 12th Street Development. Also at the ARCA meeting, JBG Smith will give a presentation about its planned development across from Whole Foods (the same presentation made at our February meeting). The plans include new mid-rise residential units, ground-floor retail offerings, a dog park, and open space. Provide your feedback, from recommendations about retail offerings to concerns about access and traffic.

Metro Market Square: JBG is also planning a new park, part of a larger block-wide renovation between S. 15th and S. 18th Streets across from the Crystal City Waterpark. Plans include a new grocery store, a drafthouse cinema, ground-floor retail, and conversion of an unused office building to new residential units.

You can see preliminary ideas for the open space and share your input in two ways:

National Airport: What’s in Store? Changes coming to National Airport from now until 2021 include new security checkpoints to be built over the lower roadway, a new 14- gate terminal to replace gate 35X, construction, traffic issues, and new parking. The end result of the massive infrastructure investment will provide passengers with greater connectivity, more shopping and dining choices, and a more pleasant post-security environment. See the presentation at Serious traffic disruption is expected for the next few months. Travelers are advised to use Metro, not cars, especially to pick up arriving passengers. American Airlines and Delta Air Lines ticket kiosks and bag drop counters have moved about 100 feet, into National Hall. See a rendering of the new project at You can also subscribe to the construction alerts and send comments from this page.

Jefferson Davis Hwy Name Change. Arlington’s hopes to remove the name of the President of the Confederacy from Route 1 were rebuffed by the Virginia Senate Committee on Transportation on January 21. The legislature is maintaining its stranglehold over the ability of local jurisdictions to make decisions affecting Virginia localities, including renaming of local highways named before 1965. The committee vote was 7–6, prompting optimism among proponents that the effort will succeed in the near future.

New in the Hood
A new bakery/boulangerie recently opened at Pentagon Row. Bread & Water, which has been selling its baked goods at the Crystal City and Columbia Pike farmers markets, is now open in the Pentagon Row kiosk formerly occupied by Capital Teas.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon City Wine Merchant has also opened recently at 1330 S. Fern St., just across from Costco. Their small space is packed with a wide selection of wine and beer, plus snacks and cheeses, with a focus on affordable, interesting “everyday” wines. Wine and beer tastings will be offered on the weekends.

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.  AHCA will also post information on the 4D-A listserve,

Aurora Highlands Civic Association       P.O. Box 25201       Arlington, VA 22202

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