May 2018 Newsletter

0 Comments May 8, 2018 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


All Aurora Highlands / Pentagon City residents are encouraged to come to our monthly meetings to meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, May 9 at 7 p.m.

Aurora Hills Community Center
735 18th St. S.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – May 2018

Meeting Agenda


Water Main Replacements in the Neighborhood. The Department of Environmental Services is planning to replace the water main under Arlington Ridge Rd. from Oakcrest Rd. south to S. Nash St. Please come hear their plans for mitigating traffic problems and learn about the schedules for replacing other aging water/sewer infrastructure in our neighborhood, some of which is 90 years old and has suffered frequent breakages.

Closure of Pedestrian Tunnel Under Route 1. The County is considering closing the tunnel because of concerns voiced by residents and 23rd St. business owners about its safety, unpleasant condition, and lack of use. County staff will discuss the potential closure and share recent and future transportation improvements for ensuring safe pedestrian access across Route 1.

What’s Going on with the Old Dominion Virginia Substation Site at 18th and Ives? A representative of Dominion will come talk about the status and environmental condition of the site and Dominion’s plans for its maintenance and future. If you have concerns or suggestions about the site’s current or future status, please come and participate.

Neighborhood Conservation. David Litman will provide an update on the state of the NC program including AHCA street, sidewalk, and park projects in the pipeline.
Update on Construction at National Airport. We will share info from a meeting with MWAA about the airport’s massive renovation, which will include two new buildings with security checkpoints and a new concourse. Completion is expected in 2021. For more info:

Community Dates and Updates

Off-leash Dogs. The Department of Parks and Recreation have notified AHCA that Animal Control officers, in conjunction with the police department, will begin ticketing dog owners who exercise their dogs off-leash at Virginia Highlands Park. We have been trying to work with the County—for years—to get a public off-leash dog facility in our area. Although there is one planned at the new PenPlace development near 12th St, that reality is years away.

Order Your Free Shade Tree Now. Every year the TCF provides 7-8’ shade trees to private property owners – homeowners, businesses, churches, etc. – to help improve the tree canopy. This keeps lowers air temperature, removes pollution, reduces runoff, provides wildlife habitat, and increases property values. The trees will be planted at no charge in the late fall. If interested, please email Kathy Landis at Visit for more info.

Capital Bikeshare Coming to the Mount Vernon Trail. The County will be installing bikeshare stations at Gravelly Point and in the parking lot of Theodore Roosevelt Island, part of a planned and funded expansion of Capital Bikeshare’s network along the trail.

Bike to Work Day, May 18. Meet up with fellow bikers at one of the 100 regional pit stops to enjoy food, music, and fun activities. Or try making biking to work the norm by challenging yourself to ride every day during Crystal City’s Annual Bike to Work Week (BTWW). BTWW will be welcoming riders every weekday morning for a week with coffee, bagels, and snacks. To register, and for info on pit stop locations and prizes, visit or

Fridays at the Fountain. 5–9 p.m. at the Crystal City Waterpark. Enjoy a great selection of beer and wine from Crystal City Wine Shop, live music from local bands and musicians, and a rotating lineup of local restaurants and food vendors brought to Crystal City by The Stand. So come, grab a drink and a bite to eat, relax with your friends and neighbors, and enjoy some great live music from a different hand-picked group every week.

Crystal City Farmers Market. Tuesdays, 3–7 p.m. till Thanksgiving, Crystal Dr. between 18th and 20th Streets. Shop for local fruits and veggies, artisan baked goods, flowers, meats, eggs, dairy, and specialty foods.

Treasurer Report. The balance as of 4/26 was $9,756.53.

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.  AHCA will also post information on the 4D-A listserve,

Aurora Highlands Civic Association       P.O. Box 25201       Arlington, VA 22202

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