November 2018 Newsletter

0 Comments November 8, 2018 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


All Aurora Highlands / Pentagon City residents are encouraged to come to our monthly meetings to meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, November 14 at 7 p.m.

Aurora Hills Community Center
735 18th St. S.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – November 2018

Meeting Agenda

AHCA Elections. After fierce competition among a myriad of contenders, we have arrived at a slate of officers for next year: Miriam Gennari, President; Scott Miles, 1stVP; Natasha Atkins, 2ndVP; Ben Davis, Treasurer; Heather Spence, Corresponding Secretary. We are, however, still looking for a candidate for recording secretary. It’s a great way to stay abreast of – and help influence – developments in the neighborhood.If you want to find out more about what is involved, please contact any of our current officers.

Senior Center Update. David Litman is the Chair of the Aurora Hills Senior Center Advisory Committee and Lila Paig is the County’s new Director of the Senior Center. They will discuss the role of the Advisory Committee, the relationship between the Committee and the Director, and goals and plans for the Senior Center.  They are also interested in engaging community members to learn what kind of programs you would like to see at the Center so come prepared with your ideas!  Check out the latest 55+ Guide!  (

Residential Parking Changes for New Pentagon Centre Building. The developer canceled last month because the proposal was still being refined. Come this month to learn about the parking proposals in the new residential building being planned for the corner of S. Hayes and 15thSt. S. The developer, Kimco, is proposing to reduce the number of parking spaces from what was in the original application. The building was approved with 253 residential units at a parking ratio of one space per unit. Since then the residential parking guidelines have been updated and lower parking ratios are recommended for buildings in the Rosslyn-Ballston and Route 1 corridors, where many residents rely on transit rather than cars. Kimco seeks to reduce the minimum parking ratio to 0.6 spaces per unit, inclusive of visitor parking spaces. Both County staff and a Kimco representative will be on hand to answer questions about whether or how this could affect street parking in our neighborhood, and whether it will affect the likely the demographics of prospective residents.

Elementary School Boundary Decision. Nancy Duncan will talk about the most recent and upcoming actions on elementary school boundaries.As background: On Oct. 10, the school board staff proposed a boundary change that would split the AHCA neighborhood between Oakridge and Hoffman-Boston. The split, made along 15th, Hayes, and Joyce Streets on the north side of Virginia Highlands Park, would send four AHCA units as well as one ARCA unit and 2 adjacent CCCA bus-riding units to Hoffman-Boston. In response to public commentary, Proposal #2 would also move one Long Branch Creek unit from Oakridge and redirect it to Drew Elementary.  Other proposals (#3-5) make no changes from #1 in regard to AHCA, ARCA, or CCCA, but would affect units aligned to other elementary schools.

Upcoming dates:

Nov. 27:  School board will hold a public hearing on the matter

Dec. 6:    School Board will vote on boundary proposals

Jan. 28:   Kindergarten Information Night


Community Dates and Updates

Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center. Arlington has begun work on building the Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Centerat the north end of Crystal City. Now it’s time to develop the programs and fees for the facility. The County is soliciting community input in planning the center’s programs and amenities. To share your thoughts, visit

Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Forum:November 29, 6:00­­–7:30 pm at the Aurora Hills Community Center.The RPP program, which restricts on-street parking during certain hours, operatesin 24 residential areas including Aurora Highlands / Pentagon City. The County is considering whether to make changes to the RPP program in keeping with the goal of managing on-street parking for “the greatest public benefit.”

County staff collected public input over the summer through an online comment form. In addition to the forum in Aurora Highlands, they will hold one on Nov. 14 at Key Elementary School in the Courthouse neighborhood. The information gathered from this engagement – combined with information generated from other data gathering and analysis – will form the basis of recommended program improvements that the Board will adopt. Space is limited, so be sure to RSVP. Go to

What’s with All the Scooters? Love ‘em or hate ‘em, the scooters are here to stay for at least the next 8 months. They are part of a 9-month demonstration during which the County will collect feedback and evaluate the use and impacts of “Shared Mobility Devices” (SMDs). These include electric-assist bikes (e-bikes), electric-assist scooters (e-scooters), and pedal bikes that do not require a docking station. More info is at, but be sure to come to the AHCA meeting on January 9, when County staff and participating operators will make a presentation and answer questions.

Leaf Collection. Vacuum leaf collection will occur in Aurora Highlands Nov. 14­–16 and again Dec. 4–6. You can also use the biodegradable leaf bags available in many community centers or put your leaves in your green curbside carts. Check more info.

Miracle on 23rdSt. Friday, Nov. 30, 5:30–7:30 pm. The tradition lives on even though Melwood has taken the place of the former Linden Resources. Kick off the holiday season with the lighting of the tree, Santa, refreshments, and neighborly cheer. 750 23rdSt. S.

Ready, Set, Bowl. New York-based Bowlero Corp. has signed a 44,000-square-foot lease at the Buchanan apartment building at 320 23rdSt. in Crystal City. Next month they will begin construction on a family-friendly entertainment venue that features blacklight bowling lanes and an interactive arcade. Opening is anticipated by middle of next year.

Bank Balance:$9733.33 as of November 6.

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association       P.O. Box 25201       Arlington, VA 22202

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