October 2017 Newsletter

0 Comments October 7, 2017 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


All Aurora Highlands residents are invited and encouraged to come to our monthly meetings where we meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, October 11 at 7 p.m.

Aurora Hills Senior Center

735 18th St. S.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – October 2017

Meeting Agenda

  • Nominations for AHCA Officers. Elections for association officers will be held next month. Nominations must be put forward at the October meeting. If you want to run but can’t attend the meeting, you can get a surrogate to make the nomination.
  • Senator Adam Ebbin will be joining us. We’ll be hearing about the Dominion substation at 18th and Ives, the proposed name change of Jefferson Davis Hwy., and your own topics.
  • Vote on Bylaws Changes. A proposal was submitted in September to change the AHCA bylaws to increase the maximum number of 1-year terms for the president from 2 to 3 and to change the start of the membership year from November to January. These changes will be considered for an up-or-down vote at the October meeting.

Community Updates

  • Petition on Virginia Highlands Park. Two years ago, frustrated at the increasing acreage devoted to single uses—and sometimes by permit only—AHCA seized on the possibility of reclaiming some of that space as an urban park for casual use by the community. The Parks department was planning to renovate the west side, where softball fields — nowfenced and locked — occupy 3.5 acres, roughly 20% of the park. AHCA voted unanimously to request that the County Board direct Parks & Recreation to begin a community-wide planning process for the renovation, with the objective of creating “multi-use open green space that serves a broad cross section of Arlington County residents.” Imagine a transformation to a truly public park, seen here from the entrance on S. Joyce Street.The effort has sputtered along, with the County being unforthcoming about how they plan to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the renovation, or whether they will engage the community. You can help advance the effort and ensure that your voice is heard by signing a new petition to the County Board. To read about the history ofVirginia Highlands Park, attributes of great public parks, and the petition to put the Public back in our own public park, go to parks4everyone.org.
  • Boo Ha Ha. This terrific kid-centric community festival is right around the corner, Sat. October 14th, 3-6 pm at the community center. There will be live music, moon bounces, face painting, a horse-drawn hayride, and more. Please help make this 10th Boo the best yet by donating online at https://aurorahighlands.org/boo-ha-ha/ or making a contribution at the festival.



  •  Four Mile Run (4MR) Trail. The sections of 4MR Trail between Route 1 and Mt. Vernon Avenue have been widened and repaved and the banks have been restored with native plantings. The pavement has been enhanced with 14 artworks that mark where stormwater outfall pipes contribute to the stream flow, drawing attention to the need for environmental stewardship. A long, sculpture-like bench, lookout platform, and ramp down to the waterfront provide new opportunities to enjoy the new waterfront. Visit
    https://newsroom.arlingtonva.us/release/arlington-celebrates-completion-of-four-mile- run-restoration/.
  • Final Design for South Park. The final plan for this park, located along 4MR between Potomac Ave. and Route 1, has been completed. It will now be reviewed by various commissions and then go to the County Board for approval. The first phase, to begin in 2018, will be to build a trail connection between Route 1 and the 4MR Trail. Phase 2 is not expected to begin until 2023 and is dependent on funding in the Capital Improvement Plan. This phase would add a dog run, lawns and meadows, a terrace, seating, and interpretive elements about the history and environment of 4MR. View the final design at https://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/south-park-potomac-yards-land-bay-f/.
  • E-CARE. Saturday, October 14, 8:30–1:00, Yorktown High School. You can safely dispose of hazardous materials such as paint, automotive fluid, car care products, fluorescent light bulbs, corrosives, household cleaners, and propane gas cylinders. You can also recycle bikes, small metal items, shoes, and clothing. For a full list, and info on labeling, go to https://recycling.arlingtonva.us/household-hazmat/e-care/. Combine your items with your neighbors’ and save a trip. Make sure to bring ID to verify you’re an Arlington resident or employee.
  • Don’t forget to vote. Election Day is November 7. We have an unusual opportunity to vote for Governor. Only New Jersey also has an election for governor this year. On the ballot will also be Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and in our area State Senator for District 30, House Delegate for Districts 45 and 49, County Board, and School Board. Apply for absentee ballot by October 31. For info on where to vote and necessary ID, visit https://vote.arlingtonva.us/.


If you are interested in advertising, please send an email to ahcanewsletterads@gmail.com.

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at Nextdoor.com to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association       P.O. Box 25201       Arlington, VA 22202


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AHCA Webmaster