October 2023 Newsletter
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October 2023 NEWSLETTER
Welcome to the online version of the AHCA October Newsletter!
the October PDF print version is here. Links are live!
Monthly Meeting Reminder
Wednesday, October 11, 7-9pm** VIRTUAL EVENT **
7:00 pm – Call to order and approve September minutes
7:10 pm – Nominations for 2024 AHCA Officers
7:40 pm – Livability22202 Brainstorm with Mike Dowell
8:40 pm – Committee Reports – Zoning Committee
8:50 pm – Other Business / New Business
9:00 pm – Adjourn
The meeting will be virtual only. Please REGISTER NOW to receive a confirmation email with details about joining the meeting and the option to add a reminder to your calendar.
If you are unable to attend, but have questions you’d like raised for any agenda items, please email them to officers@aurorahighlands.org and we’ll do our best to address them during the meeting.
Note from the President
Dear Neighbors,
We had a really good conversation at our September meeting about our priorities for the Livability 22202 reboot. There are a lot of good thoughts about what has been accomplished since the launch of Livability in 2019 and where we need to go to maintain the quality of life in our unique piece of 22202. We will continue this conversation at our October 11 AHCA meeting and also with the wider 22202 community on October 26 at the new Amazon community space (details in article on page 2). I encourage you to join us for both of those conversations, either in person or virtually and would like to stress the importance of civility during these discussions. All of our members deserve the right to have their voices heard with respect.
October will also be the nominating meeting for our slate of candidates to lead AHCA in 2024. I have decided that two years in the President’s seat will be enough for now, but will still be working on vital neighborhood issues like tree canopy and pollinator habitats. If you are interested in leading the organization as president, taking on another leadership role, or know someone who is, please get in touch with Natasha Atkins, the chair of our nominating committee. We will also welcome nominations from the floor for candidates on October 11. Please note: according to our bylaws, in order to vote for officers in November, you must pay your dues by October 31. Also: in order to be elected to an officer position, you must pay your dues by October 31. To pay dues, see the Dues article below.
Looking ahead to November, we will vote on the candidates who come forward and wish the winners well when they take over on January 1. Ours will not be the only election in November, please remember to vote in the important local elections either on November 7 or through early voting.
Cory Giacobbe, President AHCA
See aurorahighlands.org/events/
- Oct 2-27 – Gallery Underground: Pluviophile: Solo Show by Gary Keith [Opening Reception Friday Oct. 6 5-7 pm]
- Oct 9, 16, 23 – Virtual Open Door Mondays with County Board members 7-9 pm
- Oct 11 – October AHCA Meeting, 7 – 9 pm, online via Zoom, register here
- Oct. 15 – Festival Latinoamericano @ Arlington Mill Community Center, 1-5 pm.
- Oct 16 – 55+ Short Story Reading and Discussion, Aurora Hills, 1-2:30 pm. Register
- Oct 27 – 55+ Movies at Aurora Hills – 12:30-2:30 pm – Register here
- Oct 28 – Fort Scott Invasive Plant Removal, 9-11 a.m. Register here
- Oct 28 – Teen Night at Lubber Run Community Center, 7 – 10 pm, Free- Register Here
- Sept 29 through Nov 5 – The Tell-Tale Heart at Synetic Theater – Tickets here
- Nov 4 – Haley Park Invasive Plant Removal, 9-11 a.m. Register here
- Nov 6 – 55+ Jeopardy! at Aurora Hills – 2-3 pm – Register here
It’s Racing Season!
The Army 10 Miler will be held Sunday, October 8, and the Marine Corps Marathon will be held Sunday, October 29. Watch for major street closures before, during, and after these races, and please come out to cheer the runners on. Your support is an inspiration to us.
Festival Latinoamericano
The The 2023 Festival Latinoamericano will be held on Sunday, Oct. 15, from 1-5 p.m. at Arlington Mill Community Center. The festival welcomes hundreds each year and will include a full array of live music and dance, great local vendors, interactive children’s entertainment, delicious food, and exciting community spirit. The event is free and includes a full afternoon of engaging programming for guests of all ages.
Aurora Hills Community Center Events for Seniors
55+ Activities – Fall Registration is open for 55+ programs, events and classes!
The Fall Activity Guide is here. There are great programs for fitness, art, music, dance, trips, hikes, parties and more! View activities and register! Or register by phone by calling 703-228-4747, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Newsletters & Social Media
We have heard from residents that they really enjoy having a print newsletter. While we’ll do our best to continue it, that will depend on continued support from advertisers and volunteers to distribute it. Sign up for newsletters by email at aurorahighlands.org/join-ahca and follow us at @AuroraHighlands on Twitter, Facebook, or Insta to stay connected no matter what.
The 4D-A group list-serve is an alternative to Nextdoor for hyper-local information and to post queries to your neighbors: To subscribe, send a message to :
for information on the group and how to join and post, visit:
Aurora Highlands Civic Association (AHCA) Dues for Calendar Year 2023
Please show your support for AHCA and the community by paying the annual dues for 2023. The cost is $20 per household and is used to support the monthly newsletter, community events, and other neighborhood building activities, and additionally, is required to be able to vote on referendums at meetings and serve as an officer in the association*. There are two ways to pay dues, either mail a check** to AHCA, P.O. Box 25201, Arlington, VA 22202, or go to www.aurorahighlands.org and click the “Donate” button to pay by PayPal
* To check your membership status, please email the treasurer at Treasurerahca@gmail.com
** Paying by check saves the AHCA the PayPal transaction fee.

AHCA October Meeting Topic:
Livability22202 Brainstorm
NOTE: This is the last opportunity for AHCA to influence the neighborhood-wide vision of development in 22202. This vision emerged from the work of Livability22202, a coalition of the 3 civic associations of 22202 – Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands, and Crystal City – neighborhoods that face common impacts from rapid commercial and residential development. Community leaders, activists, and interested citizens came together in 2018 to tackle the challenges facing our area, and to develop a holistic approach to ensuring that development would create a more cohesive and more livable community.
Livability22202 leaders met recently to evaluate the current Framework and draft new recommendations through a collaborative process with the civic associations during September. The current draft, which includes input from the civic associations, was presented to the Crystal and Pentagon Cities Council (CPCC) on October 3. The CPCC will use the draft to prepare their letter to the County with recommendations for community benefit priorities. The most current draft is posted on our AHCA website HERE. Mike Dowell will present the current draft at our October 11 AHCA meeting, and gather your comments and ideas.
In addition to our AHCA discussions on Livability Priorities, there will be a larger 22202-wide brainstorming session on our collective Livability priorities on Thursday, October 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the Amazon Visitor Landing at Met Park (545 15th St. S). See invitation flyer here. We hope you can join us.
Rebooting the Livability22202 plans gives us an opportunity to invite all community members, old and new, to voice their opinions. Please consider volunteering for working groups of interest to you and participate in the updates.

Neighborhood News
Get a Free Tree and Help Preserve our Tree Canopy!

Winter is coming, but we can be sure of two things. Summer will follow, and it will get hot. Please consider planting a tree in the spring. Every week, we have fewer of our neighborhood’s mature trees, which ensures that we will feel the heat more. It’s easy, and it’s FREE. And this year there’s a bonus benefit: you can reduce your stormwater utility fee, a new tax on the impervious surface of your property, by planting a tree through the Tree Canopy Fund. For information on the Stormwater Utility, see our previous two newsletters at https://aurorahighlands.org/documents/
More information on the Tree Canopy Fund will be available later this month at https://www.ecoactionarlington.org/community-programs/trees/. Applications for new trees will be due in January. Interested? Feel free to email Natasha Atkins, at natashaatkins1@gmail.com, who can advise you and put your application in for you.
Restaurants and Retail
Water Park Food Kiosks and Water Bar Now Open!
Check out the new eateries and Water Bar in the just completed renovation of our beloved Crystal City Water Park. A trailhead building at adjacent Mt. Vernon Trail is equipped with public restrooms and bike facilities, and the north entrance to the new Virginia Railway Express station (coming soon) will feature an ADA-accessible connection. Watch for live events coming soon!
Amazon HQ2 retail in MetPark – and folding glass windows!
Check out the growing number of opening retail establishments on the ground floors of the new Amazon HQ2 buildings, as described in this Amazon newsletter article. Check out the art in MetPark Metropolitan Park, including Queen City. Note how some of the glass windows on the Amazon HQ2 Merlin building can be folded up to let the outside fresh air into the building on beautiful fall days. Note that the park now hosts TWO farmers’ markets – on Saturdays and on Tuesdays.
Farmers Market at Metropolitan Park Continues on Saturdays ‘til November 18
Join EatLoco from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. every Saturday through November 18 at Met Park for an exciting lineup of vendors and entertainment. Location: 1330 S Fair Street
Arlington Restaurant Week – October 16 – October 23
Support our local restaurants – and try new restaurants in other parts of Arlington during Arlington Restaurant Week (October 16-23). This is the Arlington Chamber of Commerce’s fifth consecutive year organizing the week-long event, starting Monday, Oct. 16. It is also the third year in a row Amazon has sponsored the event.
Events in National Landing
Between BID events, seasonal celebrations, and other neighborhood festivities, there’s always something to do in National Landing. Discover National Landing activities such as fitness, art, concerts, theater, movies, comedy, karaoke and more. To view all events, go to: https://nationallanding.org/events/calendar

County News
Engage Arlington: Visit this site frequently for new opportunities to give the County feedback!
Don’t Forget to VOTE this Fall! Last day to register to vote or update your records is October 16
Check your registration – or register to vote – through this link. Registration closes 21 days before the General Election. Last day to register to vote or update existing registration: October 16, 2023. Note Same Day Registration starts on October 17!
The results of the General Election on November 7 will be critical to the future direction of Arlington County and Virginia. Make sure you VOTE to make your voice heard! Everything that you need to know to vote successfully in Arlington is linked through the County Voting website.
Who’s on your ballot? Go to this page and select the sample ballot that matches your Virginia Senate and House Congressional Districts. All Virginia Senate and House seats are up for election this year. We are also selecting TWO new County Board members. Note that you may write-in legitimate names for all positions on our ballot. To learn more about the County Board candidates, try searching for their websites or attending candidate forums.
Where, How, and When to Vote – Lots of Options!
Vote early by mail: You may request a ballot to vote by mail now through October 27.
Vote early in person starting September 22 in the Bozman Center. We do not have an early voting site in 22202; the closest early voting site to 22202 is the Walter Reed Community Center, which offers early voting starting October 24, with limited hours and days.
Vote in person on Election Day, November 7, between 6AM and 7PM. Know where you vote, what you need, and who’s on the ballot before you go!
- Bring an acceptable ID: Note that out of state drivers’ licenses are not an acceptable ID to vote in Virginia, but many other forms of ID are fine.
- Know where you vote: We have 8 different precincts in 22202 with surprisingly complex borders. Please go to YOUR precinct to ensure that your vote will count!
- Try “curbside” voting if you are over 65 or have impairments. We will bring your ballot out to you! Find more information on County disability services at the polls here.
- Need a ride to the polls? Contact the Democratic (703-528-8588 ext 5 or info@arlingtondemocrats.org) or Republican (703-677-8217 or info@arlingtongop.org) ride services.
Arlington Public Library Events in October
Dungeons & Dragons for middle schoolers at Aurora Hills! Teen Book Cafe at Central and Westover! Family art night at Central! Learn to fix nearly anything at Central! Cuentos para niños/Stories for Children: biligual story hour at Central! Latin dance lessons at Cherrydale! Check out the featured October library events here at this link: https://library.arlingtonva.us/events/featured-events/
To see all Arlington Library events, visit https://library.arlingtonva.us/events/
Parks and Rec Events in October for all ages
There really is an astounding number and variety of events and activities in Arlington: art, athletics, movies, music, nature, book clubs, cooking, hiking. To see the variety and volume, visit the Parks and Rec calendar for here:
Here is a link to the main Parks and Rec page with programs for all ages:
Report a Problem Adds new Features:
If you see problems you can report them to the County. After marking the location on the map, select Blocked Sidewalk, Street, or Bike Lane and complete and submit the form. You can also report broken traffic signals, potholes, damaged sidewalks, street lights out, damaged traffic signs, and lots of other things! Try it.

Transportation News
Long Bridge Drive Multimodal Connection – Feedback Form through October 22
Share your input on how you experience Long Bridge Drive today to help the County develop a new concept design for this key corridor in anticipation of new regional trail connections and multimodal transportation improvements. This multimodal connection fills a key missing link in the National Landing bike network and connections to Boundary Channel Drive and the planned Long Bridge project bike-ped bridge to DC. Providing a safe, comfortable, and convenient bypass path for cyclists and micromobile riders will create more safe space on the Esplanade for strollers of all kinds. Learn more by visiting the project page.
Free ART Bus Rides From October 2 to December 25
Inbound ART buses during the morning rush and outbound ART buses during the evening rush will be free for all routes. Consult the website to see when free rides will be available for your bus route. Skip the driving, save money on gas and tolls, and get to your destination stress-free. Note the time limitations for free rides!
CC2DCA update
CC2DCA is a County transportation project that will create a safe and convenient bike-ped connection between Crystal City and DCA. The most recent public engagement, an opportunity to comment on the project’s Environmental Assessment, now closed. The project is game-changing, but challenges remain for designing the access at both ends (the new VRE station and DCA) and improving the design of the bridge itself, especially over the Parkway. Stay tuned for future public engagement as the project progresses.
George Washington Memorial Parkway South Section-Mount Vernon Trail Improvement Plan Environmental Assessment – Comments due October 24
Whether you drive on the Parkway or bike, walk, run, or roll on the Mount Vernon Trail – please make sure you send comments to NPS on their Environmental Assessment for both the Parkway and the Trail. This is your opportunity to weigh in on the proposed trail improvements and road changes for the Parkway. We need wider trails with less conflict throughout the area -but especially at Gravelly Point!
Amendments to Code Requiring Motorists to Stop for Pedestrians
The County Board amended Chapter 14.2 of the Arlington County Code to require motor vehicle operators to stop completely for pedestrians in crosswalks. Previously, local code only required operators to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. This amendment brings the County into conformance with recent changes to state law and supports Arlington’s ongoing Vision Zero efforts. Can’t wait for this to be implemented!
Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion (ANC SE)
9/11 Visitor Education Center Milestone Reached:
Milestone for 9/11 Visitor Center— “The Pentagon Memorial Fund, Inc. (PMF) passed a critical milestone in plans for a Visitor Education Center near the site of the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, receiving approval for its concept design from the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts (CFA). This action follows approval in July of the concept design from the National Capital Planning Commission.” [Pentagon Memorial Fund]
Meanwhile the ANC SE DAR and realignment of Columbia Pike continue to require contortionist maneuvers through various road closures and detours for all travelers. Be careful, especially after dark, as lanes are narrow, rough, and poorly marked and street lights are scarce.
National Landing BID Transportation Roundtable – September 21 Meeting
The National Landing BID held its quarterly Transportation Roundtable on September 21. The meeting recording is here. This meeting is the best way to keep informed about all transportation projects that impact our neighborhood.

Construction Updates
Neighborhood Construction Information Resources
The County Crystal City-Pentagon City Area Map shows information on commercial development and transportation projects in our area, with links to project pages and contact information. The National Landing BID page on construction projects provides additional construction information.
Commercial Development Updates
RiverHouse Neighborhood: First LRPC Meeting September 27, second on October 24
On Wednesday, September 27, County staff convened the first of two Long Range Planning Committee meetings for the JBGS redevelopment plans for the more than 30-acre RiverHouse Neighborhood. The JBGS team gave their presentation (see slides), followed by Matt Mattauszek’s County presentation. Matt highlighted the importance of key Pentagon City Sector Plan (PCSP) sections that are relevant to the RiverHouse plans, some key areas in the JBGS plans that are out of alignment with the PCSP, and the ongoing JBGS studies that address the County’s areas of concern. Jim Lantelme, the RiverHouse LRPC Chair, then led the LRPC discussion of the issues with the three main topics: Public Realm & Public Spaces; Tree Canopy; and Proposed Building Locations. LRPC members did not reach consensus on the County’s plan to move part of the Green Ribbon to Kent Street, but did appear to be in agreement that Buildings N1 and N2 needed to be further apart, perhaps by being a bit taller. Adjustments to the placement of Building C2 to bring it in alignment with the PCSP were also discussed briefly. The LRPC discussed the importance of the County land at the southern end of 15th and if that could be improved to create more green space and better access. LRPC members expressed concerns about the tree canopy overall and made suggestions on how to improve it, including the southern and western most edges of Landbay S and the removal of the future building on Landbay F on the northern edge of the property. The next LRPC meeting, on Tuesday, October 24, will address transportation, parking, and fire access, as well as a continuing holistic discussion of the overall site layout and update on issues raised during the first meeting. Following LRPC 2, the County will hold the first Park Master Plan meeting, an online public engagement, and a walking tour before diving into a series of SPRC meetings that may run into early Spring, 2024.
Crystal House 6: A Minor Site Plan Amendment and Major Missed Opportunity for Effective Public Engagement
Arlington County awarded APAH and EYA the opportunity to co-develop the Crystal House buildings that were approved in 2019 but never built. Because the 2019 plans were approved, and according to the County’s zoning code, the plans for Crystal House 6 were considered a “minor site plan amendment”, the new Crystal House 6 plans did not need to go through the usual County review process. AHCA sent a strong letter to the County about the lack of any significant engagement because the new project is quite different from the 2019 approved plans and our community has changed significantly since 2019. The County then provided a single one-hour public engagement. The recording is here; the staff presentation is here; the applicant presentation is here; the plans are here. AHCA sent a second letter expressing concerns about the process after the meeting. The project will go to the County Board for approval on October 14.
More commercial developments are coming to 22202
Watch for new active site plans section (e.g. Pentagon Centre PDSP) and preliminary site plans section (e.g. Crystal Plaza, Brookfield, and Crystal City Block W) of the County’s Private Development page for information on upcoming commercial developments in our area.
Upcoming BID-related events are listed here.
GLUP Studies – In Progress
The General Land Use Plan (GLUP) is the primary policy guide for development in Arlington. Modifications to the GLUP may be requested in the form of an amendment or study. A list of current GLUP Amendments and GLUP Special Studies can be found at the Arlington County Website here.
Schools and Youth
Fentanyl Overdoses at Wakefield – How can we keep our students safe?
ARLNow reported two more Fentanyl overdoses at Wakefield and the arrest and charging of the Fairfax distributor and Arlington teen who gave the two students the drugs. The ARLNow story links to a prior story that summarizes PTA meetings and parental roles to try to prevent additional cases.
APS Pausing Middle School Boundary Changes – and Keeping Spanish-Immersion at Gunston!
Arlington Public Schools is pausing an impending middle school boundary process, citing stable enrollment this fall. Earlier this year, APS was bracing for overcrowding at a few middle schools. It proposed busing some students from Dorothy Hamm and Swanson to under-capacity Williamsburg Middle School. It also floated moving the Spanish language immersion program from overcrowded Gunston to Kenmore Middle School. Now, administrators say enrollment needs are not pressing enough to warrant these changes just yet. The Arlington School Board endorsed a plan Tuesday to postpone the process for one year. The changes would now affect students going into grades 6 and 9 in the fall of 2026. (ArlNow.com)
Gunston Park Playground Renovation – Feedback Form through October 18
Share your feedback to help inform upcoming renovations for the playground area of Gunston Park which has reached the end of its useful life. Learn more about the project and sign up for updates on the Gunston Park Renovation webpage.
Free ART Bus Rides for APS Students
Middle and high school students from Arlington Public Schools ride free anytime on Arlington Transit (ART), the County’s bus transit system, with an iRide SmarTrip card, https://bit.ly/3B3q84L
Volunteer Opportunity: Lead a Walking School Bus
The Alliance for Arlington Senior Programs is looking for adult volunteers to help lead Walking School Buses at Elementary Schools around the Arlington County. The first walking school bus was such a success at Oakridge Elementary school that the program is looking to expand around the County.
What’s great about Walking School Buses?
- You help kids in your neighborhood get to school safely
- You can maximize the health benefits of walking for yourself and for students
- You reduce congestion and pollution near schools and in neighborhoods by walking instead of travel by car
What do I need to know?
- Each bus requires only one hour of your time
- Volunteers can set their own schedules
The new school year has already started. Learn more about leading a walking bus – or joining one with your elementary school student – at the Alliance’s page.
Teens Making a Difference (TMAD) – Youth Community Groups Volunteer Opportunity
Want to make a difference? TMAD (Teens Making a Difference) is a Service Club that helps students ages 12-18 plan service projects, learn leadership skills, and improve their schools and community. The program offers participants a chance to earn a stipend for work related learning programs. If interested in TMAD, apply through this application (no deadline). Visit this page for more information on the program.
Nature in the Neighborhood
Young Trees Need Water Every Week
Newly-planted trees require at least 25 gallons a week to survive and thrive. Sign up here to get an alert from Casey Trees when there hasn’t been enough rain and to water your young trees.
Arlington County Civic Federation Update
CivFed hosted a candidates night on September 5 for County Board, House of Delegates and State Senate. The meeting was widely covered in the local media. A video recording of the meeting is available on CivFed.org.
The delegates voted to welcome the African American Leadership Council of Arlington as a new member of the Civic Federation.
In other news, the Environmental Affairs Committee chaired by Mary Glass is gearing up for its program year and looking for topic areas and volunteers who would like to participate. The issues could include Deer Management, Impact of Enhanced Housing Options, Heat Islands, Tree Canopy and Climate Change. Visit CivFed.org for more information.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday October 10 at 7 pm, in hybrid format, in person and virtual via zoom at the VHC Auditorium.
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Send inquiries to newsletter@aurorahighlands.org
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