What’s up with Roaches Run?

0 Comments February 5, 2021 |

Have you noticed the markers in the water at Roaches Run? According to Aaron LaRocca, Chief of Staff for the GW Memorial Parkway of the NPS, “the NPS is trying to restore three acres of narrow-leaf cattail marsh at Roaches Run. The stakes and flagging are associated with goose exclosures. What you probably didn’t see is the thousands of young cattails and arrow-arum being planted.” 

When asked about the plan for developing trails at Roaches Run, Mr. LaRocca also said that,“at this time we’re not in a planning process for additional trails in the park.  If you and your committee want to advocate for these trails, I think your best chance is to follow the CC2DCA conversation.  Not sure how that effort will play out, but a public process will be required.  That would be the  time for your community to  create that trail connection to/around Roaches Run.”  Roaches Run is an important resource for AHCA.

Take a look at this chart to see how much open space Roaches Run gives us:

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