September 2017 Newsletter

0 Comments September 7, 2017 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


All Aurora Highlands residents are invited and encouraged to come to our monthly meetings where we meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information.

MEETING – Wednesday, September 13 at 7 p.m.

Aurora Hills Senior Center

735 18th St. S.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – September 2017

Meeting Agenda

  • By-law amendment, AHCA Member Les Garrison intends to ask for discussion of a by-law amendment so that he can nominate Natasha Atkins for a 3rd consecutive annual term.
  • Community Police. Captain Wayne Vincent, our new Second District Commander, will introduce himself and answer questions on issues of concern. He’ll be accompanied by our new neighborhood community officer, District Sergeant Chad Ramsey, and by a School Resource Officer who can answer any questions regarding our schools’ safety and security.
  • National Park Service. Josh Nadas, NPS’s Community Planner for the George Washington Memorial Parkway, will talk about issues of interest to our community, including the Mt. Vernon Bike Trail, Roach’s Run, and Gravelly Point, and proposals for better connections to the trail and National Airport.

Community Updates

  • AHCA Community Social. Get to know your neighbors. Join us for a pint or a bite to eat at the Crystal City Sports Pub on Tuesday, September 19. Second floor, 6:30 to 8:30.
  • Nelly Custis Park. The Nelly Custis Design Working Group held its second meeting on August 2. At that meeting, the working group reviewed alternative designs for renovation of the park, including the playground. The group provided comments and feedback to County staff. There was general consensus around key design parameters and some of the design elements and priorities. The County will incorporate comments and suggestions made by the Working Group into a single design which the Working Group will review at a meeting in late September. If a consensus is reached, then the design will be posted publicly for comment from the community and included on the Aurora Highlands Civic Association agenda for October.
  • Name Change for Jefferson Davis Highway. Recent events have sparked discussions about how Confederate figures are memorialized, giving new momentum to a stalled effort to change the name of Jefferson Davis Highway, also known as US Route 1 and the Richmond Highway. As with most Confederate monuments in the news today, the highway was named for the President of the Confederacy during the 1920s, under heavy lobbying by Daughters of the Confederacy. Last year the Alexandria City Council voted to begin the renaming process. An advisory group that includes both Alexandria and Arlington representatives is now seeking input on potential new names. You can submit your suggestions through Sept. 15, at On Sept. 25 the advisory group will hold a public hearing for those who want to provide feedback in person.


  • Boo-Ha-Ha Festival. Mark your calendars for the neighborhood’s fall Boo-Ha-Ha festival, Saturday October 14th, 3-6 pm at the community center. You can help make this 10th Boo the best yet by donating online at
  • School Board “Open Office” Hours. You can meet with a Board member most Monday evenings when school is in session, or Tuesday mornings following a Monday holiday. For the schedule, visit
  • School Board Meetings. Meeting dates are posted at board-meetings/. New this year is an opportunity to speak at Board meetings for two minutes. Check the website for how to sign up.
  • Pups and Pilsners. 2–6 p.m., Sept. 17 in the Green at 12th and Crystal Drive. This dog- friendly festival features a massive beer garden with craft brews. Local restaurants will be serving up food. Free to attend, but tasting tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Tickets at
  • Fridays at the Fountain. Crystal City’s popular outdoor beer and wine garden at the Waterpark is open Fridays through October, 5–9 pm. Join your neighbors for this free event with live music and a cash bar featuring beers and wines from the Crystal City Wine Shop.
  • Notable Trees. Even though many of our biggest trees are succumbing to disease and development pressure, some really splendid specimens still grace our neighborhood.
    • American Beech 2400 S. Inge St.
    • Blackgum 801 S. 25th St., 715 S. 22nd St.
    • Ginkgo 709 S. 25th St.
    • Pin Oak 709 S. 26th St., 710 S. 24th St., 722 S. 21st St.[edit: cut down]
    • Post Oak 737 S. 25th St.
    • Southern Red Oak 3401 S. Glebe Rd.
    • White Oak 830 S. 23rd St., 907 S. 26th St.
    • Willow Oak 2007 S. Joyce St.[edit: cut down]
    • Sweetgum 801 S. 25th St.

    If you know of a tree that is notable for its size, or for its biological or historical interest, please nominate it for “Notable Tree” status. Nominations are open till November 15.

  • Art in the Underground with Live Jazz. Free receptions on the first Friday of each month. For more info on the artists, visit


If you are interested in advertising, please send an email to

Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at to stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.

Aurora Highlands Civic Association       P.O. Box 25201       Arlington, VA 22202

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