Spring Pop-up Party a smashing success!

0 Comments April 8, 2018 |

We had a great turnout of about 100 neighbors on March 31 at our pop-up party to celebrate spring. Kids made kites and as the wind obliged 40 kites took flight. At another table kids were hard at work decorating eggs. We roasted Peeps to make smores, ran egg races, blew bubbles, bashed a piñata, and played games. Thanks to Connie Hansen, Jenny Sammis, Joanne Mann, Les Garrison, and many other adults and kids who came together to make this event possible. Thanks also to Susan French, who made a generous gift for the purchase of the kite-making kits.

More photos are on the AHCA Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pg/aurorahighlands/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1688590761225771. If you have photos, please add them to the Facebook page!






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