Volunteers for Nelly Custis Design Working Group

0 Comments May 17, 2017 |

I am pleased to announce that we are ready to kick off the design process for the Nelly Custis Park neighborhood conservation project. To support the County’s design effort, the community is forming a small (8 to 10 people) Design Working Group. I have 6 volunteers from previous announcements, so I’m looking for 2 or 3 additional people. I am especially interested in folks who might have an interest in/knowledge of landscaping and plantings but others are welcome as well.

It is important that you be able to commit for the length of the design process so we can have continuity and consistency. The first meeting of the Design Working Group will be on June 7 at 6 PM at Nelly Custis (rain date of June 8). We will spend an hour or so onsite and then move to an indoor location (TBD) to continue the meeting. We expect to have anywhere from 1 to 3 follow on meetings a few weeks apart over the course of the summer.

The purpose of the Design Working Group is to provide community input to the design of the project. We will not revisit the scope of the project as approved by the County Board, but we do have some flexibility within that scope as long as we stay within the approved budget. Of course, the Civic Association will ultimately have to approve the final design.

If you are interested in volunteering or have questions, please e mail me directly at david.litman at verizon.net. The deadline for responding is May 20.


David Litman

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