Crystal City Building Heights Study

The Crystal City Building Heights Study will examine the appropriateness of changes to height and potentially other, related regulations in the Sector Plan. The study is be divided into four phases:

  1. Development of guidance to assist evaluation of building height impacts (current stage)
  2. Building heights assessment
  3. Policy guidance update report
  4. Zoning Ordinance amendment

The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) of the Planning Commission serves as the primary venue where staff will engage with community members. A series of LRPC meetings and potential online engagement opportunities will provide for input and feedback.

Our neighborhood volunteer for this project is Ben D’Avanzo.

Update from the Feb 24 Long Range Planning Commission (LRPC) Meeting:

The County is considering revising maximum building heights in the area defined by the Crystal City Sector Plan. The Long Range Planning Commission meeting was to review the county’s initial guidelines for determining recommended heights. The staff presentation, including maps of maximum possible heights under FAA guidelines in comparison to the Sector Plan maximum heights, is available here. The heights mapped out do not represent recommendations, but rather how tall buildings could possibly go due to airplane pathways.

The meeting discussion focused on whether or not the questions developed and included in the presentation by the county represent the right ones to guide decision making on maximum heights. Most relevant to AHCA, there is a question about whether the heights appropriately taper to the residential neighborhood, and staff appear likely to clarify the question to make it clear that the tapering is meant to be in line with the key areas for tapering represented in the Sector Plan. There was also discussion about a desire for a Crystal City skyline of varying heights and the need to balance potential additional density with the need for adequate transportation networks and open space. Staff will review and share revised guidelines.


Ben D’Avanzo is our neighborhood volunteer representing AHCA in County meetings for this study.

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