23rd Street Bohemian Village Vision
The Twenty-Third Street Corridor LLC, owner of many of the properties along 23rd Street “restaurant row” have asked Virginia Tech School of Architecture to undertake a vision study of a village on 23rd Street so as to create an arts and entertainment district in Arlington.

As part of the study they are seeking neighborhood/community support and input for the project to achieve a vision we can all live with. They have already been engaging the Crystal City BID and have a signed letter of intent with Artspace.
Stratis Voustas, managing member, will be present at the July 17 Aurora Highlands Civic Association meeting to discuss the vision, answer questions, and request a formal vote from membership to support the initiative.
The following presentation material has additional details on the village concept: https://aurorahighlands.org/wp-content/uploads/2018-06-07-PPT-Stakeholder-Meeting-at-Freddies-Nov-26-2018-V4.pdf
Below is a link to our NPR/WAMU piece about the village. (For a summary click on the radio clip) https://wamu.org/story/18/11/27/as-amazon-looms-crystal-city-business-owners-want-to-preserve-the-neighborhoods-funky-side/
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