Fern St. Sidewalk Project update
Attached are the plans for the upcoming Fern St. sidewalk project, which will complete sidewalks on the west side from 22nd St. to 19th St. Utility work will begin this […]
Attached are the plans for the upcoming Fern St. sidewalk project, which will complete sidewalks on the west side from 22nd St. to 19th St. Utility work will begin this […]
Original PDF: https://aurorahighlands.org/wp-content/uploads/March-2016-Newsletter-AHCA.pdf All Aurora Highlands residents are invited and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings where we meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information. MEETING – Wednesday, March 9 […]
Please see the attached letter sent to School Board Chair Emma Violand-Sanchez and County Board Chair Libby Garvey. This and all other letters and documentation from AHCA is available in […]
Here is the letter AHCA sent to the County Board following the vote at the Feb. 10 meeting. The “attached document” the VHP proposal posted on the AHCA web site here.
The Arlington Public Schools board chair Dr. Emma Violand-Sanchez came to the February 10th AHCA monthly meeting to speak about school capacity. The following documents were used in this presentation: […]
After the AHCA meeting, the AHCA president Natasha Atkins sent a cover email to Dr. Violand, which included Rob Sidman’s letter to her and the joint AHCA-ARCA-CCCA letter regarding siting of […]
Original PDF: https://aurorahighlands.org/wp-content/uploads/Februrary-2016-Newsletter-AHCA.pdf All Aurora Highlands residents are invited and encouraged to come to our monthly meetings where we meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information. MEETING – Wednesday, February […]
Funding is already in place for design replacement of the west side of VHP, with construction anticipated in 2017–2018. The County is expected to allocate funds to redo the two […]
The draft minutes from the January AHCA membership meeting have been posted to the Documents area. Please contact an officer or representative with any questions.
The following items were requested or presented in the Wednesday, January 13 AHCA monthly meeting: AHCA Bylaws Public Spaces Master Plan Survey Community Facilities Survey Fern Street construction plans Draft meeting […]
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