January 2019 Newsletter
[View the printed-format newsletter here]
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All Aurora Highlands / Pentagon City residents are encouraged to come to our monthly meetings to meet neighbors, discuss topics of interest, and share information. MEETING – Wednesday, January 9 at 7 p.m. Aurora Hills Community Center |
Aurora Highlands Civic Association Newsletter – January 2019
Meeting Agenda
Accessory Dwellings: Neighborhood Case Study. In 2017 Arlington County amended its ordinance governing Accessory Dwellings (ADs). An accessory dwelling is a second dwelling – separate or within a main house – with kitchen, bathroom, and separate entrance on a single family lot. The Affordable Housing Master Plan identified ADs as an existing tool to help augment housing supply and to support older adults aging in place. A detail in the new regulations, however, precludes many existing detached structures from qualifying even if they meet setback and height requirements. We will hear about the case of one neighbor and a legislative fix he will be pursuing to address the Catch-22.
Elementary Schools—Boundaries and Projections. In late December, the school board finalized school boundaries which will alleviate the decade-long overcrowding at Oakridge Elementary School by sending some students in our neighborhood to Hoffman Boston. However, APS continues to grow their student population at an unprecedented rate and even with the boundary change Oakridge will again be over capacity by 2021. Arlington Ridge neighbor Colleen Pickford will share her experience in the Facilities Advisory Committee to look at the changing student population and the facility needs before APS in the coming years with a look at how that may impact our community.
Welcome to Amazonia. If the announcement that Amazon is likely to be our newest and biggest corporate neighbor has gotten your attention, our meeting is for you. We’ll hear a presentation by members of the County Board and JBG-Smith, the landowner/developer who would be working with Amazon to develop its new campus. Come with your questions about Amazon’s agreement with the County and State, and the possible impacts or opportunities, including new residential density, schools, housing affordability, traffic, proposed infrastructure, employment, and more.
Community Dates and Updates
Scooters, Scooters Everywhere.Scooters and dockless bikes, or Shared Mobility Devices (SMDs) in the geek-speak of transportation folks, have been bumped to next month’s meeting. The County is undertaking a 9-month pilot program and they will be looking for feedback, so you can use the next month to collect your suggestions. If you use them, how’s it working for you? Can you find them when and where you need them? Are they in good working order? If you hate them, why? Always in the middle of the sidewalk? Sitting unused for too long in some out-of-the-way place? Too fast, too quiet, too dangerous for pedestrians? Or did you like the dockless bikes, and now all you can find are scooters? More info is at https://transportation.arlingtonva.us/scooters-and-dockless-bikeshare/.
Kindergarten Information Night. If you have a rising kindergartener, come learn about the registration process and your options for schools during the 2019–2020 school year. Washington-Lee High School, 1301 N. Stafford St. Visit https://www.apsva.us/school-options/elementary-school-choices/for boundary maps and information on neighborhood schools and “option” schools offering specialized education.
Aurora HillsSenior Center.Lots of great activities in store for the year. Warm Up the New Year with Soups & Stews, Fri., Jan. 11, 1–2 p.m. Learn tips for making soups, stews, and more with a cooking demonstration and taste from Virginia Cooperative Extension, along with recipe and safety information for cooking and storing soups. Register at 703-228-5722. Registration is now open for lots of activities throughout the County. Visit https://parks.arlingtonva.us/programs/adults-55/seniors-activities/.
Some great trips are also planned for the month, at bargain prices as low as $5: Bureau of Engraving, Holocaust Museum, National Postal Museum tour, Little Theatre of Alexandria, “The Fantasticks,” Supreme Court tour, Library of Congress, Riverside Dinner Theatre, “La Cage Aux Folles,” National Museum of African American History and Culture, Ford’s Theatre, “12 Angry Men,” American Ballet Theatre open rehearsal, Maryland Live! Casino. Call for dates and costs, Arlington County 55+ Travel,703-228-4748.
New! Aurora Hills Book Club. Aurora Hills now has its own monthly book club. The club will meet on Mon., Jan. 28, 12:15–1:30 p.m. to discuss Z: A Novel by Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler.
Christmas Tree and Leaf Collection.Christmas trees placed curbside will be picked up on your regular trash day through Jan. 11. Place trees at curb no later than 6 a.m. on your regular trash collection day after removing ALL decorations, nails, stands and plastic bags.After this date, they’ll be picked up with regular yard waste. Leaf vacuuming is over for the season, but you can still put leaves in the brown bags or in your yard waste bin. Please don’t put them in plastic bags. They will not be recycled into mulch.
Check https://recycling.arlingtonva.us/residential/yard-waste/leaf-collection/for more info.
Bank Balance as of 1/1/19: $9491.56
If you are interested in advertising, please send an email to ahcanewsletterads@gmail.com.
Please sign up with the Aurora Highlands group at Nextdoor.comto stay informed about happenings in the hood, including AHCA-related issues, and to share events and other items with your neighbors.
Aurora Highlands Civic Association P.O. Box 25201 Arlington, VA 22202
Please join online with Paypal
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