November 2019 Newsletter
[View the printed-format newsletter here]
Livability Action Plan
Over the last month, neighbors from the Arlington Ridge, Aurora Highlands and Crystal City Civic Associations has been preparing the Livability22202 Action Plan, building on the Livability Framework from earlier this year. Through a series of workshops that brought together residents with diverse backgrounds and extensive knowledge of their communities and county processes, we examined the essential elements of livability for our community and refined these goals into a set of specific objectives that are needed to accommodate the expected growth in the area over the next decade. The plan articulates a compelling, livable vision for our community and details the steps needed to achieve this successfully.
A livable community is focused around ideals of a safe, inclusive, and affordable community with convenient access to home, work, business, and play. At its core, “a livable community recognizes its own unique identity and places a high value on the planning processes that help manage growth and change to maintain and enhance its community character” and requires a comprehensive approach to shaping the built environment and sustaining the natural environment.
Accordingly, the Action Plan is organized around five Livability themes: Housing Affordability; Essential Services; Environmental Sustainability; Arts, Culture and Engagement; and Multi-Modal Transportation. For each theme, key elements are identified in sufficient detail to drive area and site level planning, while maintaining an integrated, holistic approach. By developing and sustaining an overall plan, our community can engage more effectively throughout the process of area-wide planning.
Although the scale of upcoming development presents many challenges, this is also a unique opportunity to work with the County, community and business organizations, landowners, and developers. The Action Plan emphasizes a collaborative approach to partnering with the diverse group of people and organizations needed to discuss ideas, develop specific actions, & push these forward to create a livable community.
Have an interest in participating in the next set of workshops? Contact the Aurora Highlands Civic Association!
Community Updates & Resources
Free Trees!
The Arlington Tree Canopy Fund is offering FREE trees to be planted on your property in the Spring of 2020. Trees are good for your pocketbook by increasing your property value, lowering your A/C bill, and reducing flooding. They benefit all of us by providing shade and improving neighborhood air quality. And they provide habitat for wildlife such as songbirds and pollinators. For details see Applications due by midnight on Friday, December 20. Contact neighborhood volunteer Kathy Landis at for assistance with tree selection and placement
22202 Holiday Lights
Enjoy holiday light displays? Want to add to the neighborhood cheer? Well, deck out your home and enter it in the 22202 Holiday Lights contest! Sponsored by Geva and Jane Real Estate and Extreme Pizza who will be offering prizes to the most festive homes. Additional information about submitting your home, prizes, and voting at
20th & Ives Park Exploratory Committee
Demolition of the house at the 20th & Ives park was scheduled for “fall”, but we’ve been notified issues with contractors may delay that. Regardless, AHCA would like to convene an exploratory committee to think about what the future of this pocket park could look like and consider basic improvements that could be implemented by neighborhood volunteers. If interested, contact
Notable Trees
Since 1987, Arlington has identified its most notable trees and the residents who care for them. Nominate a tree you think is notable due to its size, age, history, uniqueness or neighborhood significance by Sun., Dec. 1 at There you can also search for notable trees in our area.
Census 2020 Jobs & Info
The Census is underway and hundreds of people are being hired temporarily over the next few months to help carry it out. The principal position available is Enumerator, with good pay ($25/hour in Arlington) and flexible hours. It is important for our community that participation is as complete as possible, since results impact representation and federal funding for education, healthcare, infrastructure, and other areas. Visit
23rd St Restaurant Row Parking / Crystal House SPRC
Owners along 23rd street “Restaurant Row” are worried that the proposed Crystal Houses development will reduce parking for patrons, negatively impacting business and increasing parking along neighborhood streets. The Crystal House 5 building proposed where the current pay lot is at 22nd & Eads will have surface and underground parking, and the developer has offered to reserve 35 spaces for the businesses. A fourth SPRC meeting has been added November 18 to discuss these concerns and provide updates on some of the changes the applicant has made since September. See
Crystal City BID still seeking naming feedback
Stop by and discuss the Crystal City BID’s strategic plan, new area-wide perspective, and need for a new name with BID staff at various “office hours” opportunities scheduled throughout the County over the next several weeks. The scheduled office hours are part of the BID’s community outreach process providing opportunities to learn about the organization and also provide opportunities to share feedback.
I-395 HOV become Toll Lanes Sunday, Nov 17
All ramps that currently lead to the 395 HOV lanes will require an E-ZPass starting Sunday the 17th. This includes the northbound ramps near S. Eads Street. Beginning the evening of November 14, new stoplights on S. Eads Street and the Pentagon reservation will be placed into flash mode until the Lanes open on Sunday the 17th.
2020 Officer Elections
The following neighbors were nominated at the October meeting for AHCA officer positions next year: President – Scott Miles; 1st VP – Miriam Gennari; 2nd VP – Heather Jensen; Recording Secretary – Calvin Wiley; Treasurer – Ben Davis; Corresponding Secretary – Natasha Atkins and Heather Spence. Elections will be held at the Nov. meeting.

Next Meeting: Wed, Nov 13
7pm, 735 18th St.
Aurora Hills Community Center
Childcare provided!
Glimpse the Future
Come Early, at 6:30 PM to meet local high school teens as they present a solution to single-use take containers in and around National Landing that they’ll be taking to the EPA for the National Recycling Innovation Fair.
7:00pm Transportation Updates
County staff will provide a transportation overview of the Crystal City/Pentagon City area and adjacent neighborhoods, traffic data collection efforts, disruptions in the area, and a project update for the upcoming 18th and Fern street work.
Come to understand and ask questions about the changing strategy for street, pedestrian, and bike infrastructure and what that means for getting around the area.
County Board member Matt de Ferranti will be present until 7:40 to hear your comments and address policy questions like cut-through and Uber traffic that the County may not be adequately addressing.
7:50pm Census 2020
Hear and ask questions about Census 2020, jobs relating to it, and its importance.
8:00pm Livability Action Plan
Get an update and ask questions about the progress made by our three area civic associations on the Livability22202 initiative. A draft of the Livability Action Plan will be discussed as well as opportunities for involvement in possible upcoming next step projects.
8:40pm AHCA Officer Elections
Cast your vote for next year’s officers.
Mark Your Calendar
Fall Leaf Collection
Nov 13-15, Dec 4-7
Vacuum leaf collection for Aurora Highlands. Save yourself the time and effort of bagging! See for full schedule.
Ice Skating Rink Open
Pentagon Row Ice Rink is now open every afternoon and evening, and also weekend mornings. For more information go to

Category: Uncategorized
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