October 2019 Newsletter

0 Comments October 7, 2019 |

[View the printed-format newsletter here]


AHCA Needs You! Read On To See Why

Did you think that Amazon’s arrival would be the final word on changes to the area? Well, much more is planned, and we need neighbors to stay informed and get involved. JBG Smith, the leading owner and developer in the area, recently submitted plans to redevelop approximately 2.6 million sqft. of space in Crystal City. The new development would comprise five multifamily buildings with retail and one office building. JBG believes their plans “will significantly enhance the public’s experience at the street level and add a host of new housing and amenities for the community.” This includes the creation of new public open spaces, improving pedestrian circulation, and upgrading transportation options and infrastructure. Follow the Site Plan Review Committee for each project and consider being an official AHCA rep to guide AHCA’s position and influence these plans.

Consider attending meetings like the upcoming Oct 9 to share your thoughts on neighborhood topics. ACPD will discuss crime in response to a neighbor’s assault in July, among other events. The BID and County planners make decisions based on what they hear from you, if we’re loud as a community.

So volunteer, come to meetings, provide feedback, and contact president@aurorahighlands.org to learn more.

Community Updates & Resources

New Business Opens on S. 23rd Street

A new high-end consignment boutique has just opened on the corner of Fern and 23rd. Agents in Style, complementing the Vintage Dress Company around the corner, is the brainchild of neighbor Rhoda Wheeler, who said “I’ve always had a passion for thrifting and thinking about how we can reuse things. I think fashion and style are fun, but I understand the need to make things last for a very long time.” Wheeler, who plans to donate some of her proceeds to charitable organizations, also hopes to open her space for community gatherings. November 1 is the target date for the opening of McNamara’s, the Irish pub that will replace the recently shuttered Fiona’s on the other side of 23rd St.

Gunston Fall Fun Fest Sponsors

The Fall Fun Fest has been an ongoing event at Gunston for quite a few years and is always the school’s largest social event. This year, the Fest on Oct. 18 will pick up that mantle from years past and expand to be a larger community event. To that end, Gunston is looking for sponsorships to cover event costs, so that money can instead fund after-school programs, support programs for students in need, and fund field trips and other educational experiences for our students. To learn more, volunteer, or get involved at Gunston, email gunstonptapresident@gmail.com.

Arlington Census Partners

AHCA has agreed to be an “Arlington Census Partner” to help ensure our neighborhood is fully counted in 2020. We need one or two volunteers interested in being the neighborhood liaison for that work. Contact president@aurorahighlands.org if interested.

Development watch

Site Plan Review Committee meetings continue for Met Park (HQ2) and Crystal Houses. https://bit.ly/2oPUwOi — Another grass-roots Livability charette was held Sept 24 with a focus on requests for Met Park; conversations with Amazon and JBG Smith are planned. https://aurorahighlands.org/livability/— JBG Smith has outlined general plans for extensive development in Crystal City. https://bit.ly/2LKV6pL — State starting study on lowering Route 1. https://bit.ly/2OgqDS4

New Glass Recycling Bin at the Aurora Hills Library

The glass collection bin is now installed at the Library on the 18th Street side. So bring your glass to drop off before the next AHCA meeting!

Next Meeting: Wed, Oct 9

7pm, 735 18th St.
Aurora Hills Community Center
Childcare provided!

7:05pm Officer Nominations

Announce slate and receive nominations for 2020 civic association officer candidates.

7:10pm Crime

Sergeant Albert Taber will provide an update on trends and answer questions you have with crime in the neighborhood.

7:30pm Crystal City BID expansion

Tracey Gabriel from the Crystal City BID will talk about their newly approved expansion into Pentagon City and the changes we can expect to see with business directions, community events, and area branding.

7:50 County planning for 22202

Matt Mattauszek from the Arlington County Housing and Planning Division is the new planning coordinator for the 22202 area. Find out about his role and ask questions about how the County is planning to manage housing and development in our area.

FYI – Tentative November 13 Agenda
Traffic & Transportation projects
County Energy Plan & Climate Change

Mark Your Calendar

Walter Reed Center, 1-8pm

Elder Care Zoning Community Forum – Oct 7

Learn more about Arlington County’s efforts to update and modernize its zoning regulations for elder care housing. “Elder care” encompasses assisted living facilities, nursing homes, memory care, independent living, as well as facilities which offer multiple types of elder care within the same building or campus. Learn more at projects.arlingtonva.us/events/elder-care-zoning-update-community-forum/

Fall Fun Fest – Oct 18

Gunston M.S., 4 – 7:30 pm

Please join the Gunston PTA for the Fall Fun Fest! This fun fall event includes rides, henna, a DJ, and food. New This Year is a dunk tank with your favorite Gunston teachers taking turns getting dunked for $1 per two shots. Tickets will be pre-sold during lunch the week of Oct 14. At the door tickets are $15/individual or $20/family. Pre-buy at https://bit.ly/2IjedVV

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AHCA Webmaster