AHCA May Newsletter
May 11th, 2021
Agenda for meeting May 12th
7-8 Reuben Varghese will discuss vaccinations and hold a Q&A
8-8:15 Melwood update
8:15-COB Solicit ideas for June meeting and any motions and we will collect questions and comments for David Priddy (ASB), and we will announce some fun activities for Memorial weekend.
VOTE Early, but not Often
Everything you need to know to vote in Arlington is available through the County voting page: https://vote.arlingtonva.us/Home. There will be no Republican Primary in Arlington. The Virginia Democratic Primary will be Tuesday, June 9, from 6AM to 7PM. County precincts will be open for in-person voting. Democratic candidates will be selected to run for these positions: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Virginia House of Delegates, and County Board. Find your sample ballot on this page: https://vote.arlingtonva.us/Elections. The General Election for these positions – and one school board position – will be held on Tuesday, November 2. Note that the Arlington Democrats are running an endorsement process for School Board candidate, May 17-23. To learn more, contact the Arlington Democrats (https://arlingtondemocrats.org/vote/sbcaucus/).
Make sure you are registered to vote. Deadline for voter registration for the June 9 election is May 17.
Vote early by mail or in person: You can request a vote by mail application through May 28 (but earlier is better). The ballot and its envelopes must be completed, signed, and returned no later than June 8. Early in-person voting started on April 26 at Courthouse Plaza. Early voting will also be available at the Walter Reed Community Center and the Madison Community Center Saturdays and Tuesdays, starting May 29. Find more information on early voting locations here: https://vote.arlingtonva.us/Early-Voting.
Aurora Hills Branch Library Reopening in July. According to the April 30 County Library Service News & Updates, the County library system hopes to reopen the Aurora Hills and Columbia Pike branches in July and Cherrydale and Glencarlyn branches by this Fall. Read more here: https://library.arlingtonva.us/2021/04/30/columbia-pike-aurora-hills-update-outdoor-storytimes/. The 9/11 Memorial at Fire Station 5 (Did you even know it was there?) Kudos to Aurora Highlands teenager Megan Mazel, who proposed, as her Eagle Scout project, creation of a more appropriate 9/11 Memorial for the iron girder at Fire Station 5. Megan’s design was supported by the County Department of Parks & Recreation, the ACFD, and the Livability22202 Open Space Working Group, and Amazon will fund about $50,000 for the project. The final design is a pentagon shape with a circular walkway leading from the Hayes/18th Street sidewalk, with a memorial plaque and the girder pointing toward the Pentagon. Megan will oversee the installation of her project. The goal is to complete the installation in time to have an Arlington County memorial service at the site on September 11, 2021. Virginia Highlands Temporary Dog RunThe dog run sponsor group, Pentagon City Dogs, has signed the Adopt-a-Dog Park agreement and secured funding for the project. After a review of the site location, sponsor group funding, and community input among other requirements, the County has determined that the Virginia Highlands Temporary Dog Run proposal meets standards. Construction will start this quarter and should be completed within 30 days, weather permitting. The temporary dog run will be in place until a Park Master Plan is developed for Virginia Highlands Park and funding is available to construct the plan. It will be reviewed annually to ensure it is safe and used appropriately. See the project page for more details: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/virginia-highlands-temporary-dog-run/. |
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, NO, it’s the Brood X Cicadas!
Brood X cicadas are due to emerge in our area sometime in May, once the soil temperature has reached 64°F, often after a rain. Emergence holes are being seen throughout Aurora Highlands, so the cicadas should be arriving en masse soon! Cicada Safari (https://cicadasafari.org/) is a free app that allows YOU to help track the emerging cicadas – and the website has terrific background information on these amazing insects. It’s a great place to start your cicada adventure! Enjoy Cicadamania (https://www.cicadamania.com/) as well.
It’s a Bird, It’s a Rocket, No, It’s the Helix! (But can we see it?)
The first Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) meeting for PenPlace was held on April 19. Following presentations by Amazon and County staff, LRPC members – including community representatives – had a spirited discussion about the project. Among the many concerns raised was the lack of an internal street grid and how that would affect traffic flow, the absence of PUDO zones (pick-up and drop-off), and the need for fully protected and connected bike lanes around the megablock. Other concerns raised were the layout, quantity, and quality of open space; the large amount of proposed retail; the siting, shapes, and height of the three proposed office buildings; and, of course, the visibility of the Helix. Slide decks and recordings from the Kickoff and LRPC meetings are available through the project page: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/pen-place-2021/. Subscribe to updates through this page as well. Good news: the 4.1 plans are finally posted – just in time to study before the second LRPC Meeting on Wednesday, May 12, 7:00 PM! A series of SPRC meetings will start after LRPC meetings are completed. A Park Master Plan process will run concurrently. The project will be heard by the Planning Commission and the Transportation Commission before going to the County Board.
Pentagon City Planning Study Update
The Pentagon City Planning Study held its 5th public workshop on April 26, with a focus on the evaluation of land-use scenarios. The meeting presentation slide deck is here: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2021/04/PublicWorkshop_April_delivered.pdf. Meeting attendees also participated in breakout sessions on equity and on specific topics: multimodal transportation, Virginia Highlands Park, biophilic design, land use, and comprehensive planning. The lack of a connecting street grid in the PenPlace proposal – and the implications – was part of several discussions. Read through the presentation, study prior documents, and sign up for updates through this page: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/plans-studies/pentagon-city-planning-study/pentagon-city-planning-study-documents/. Public engagement for the PCPS will continue through the conclusion of the study but may be provided through a different format or formats as the planning process reaches conclusion this summer. Check the final 3 slides from the April 26 presentation for details on next steps.
Clark Construction Hosts Community Meeting on MetPark, May 6
On May 6 at 7PM, Clark Construction will host an update on construction activities for MetPark 6-7-8. Pre-register to access the event through this link: https://www.metpark678.com/rsvp. Find more information on MetPark 678 construction here: https://www.metpark678.com/
Crystal City Building Heights Study
The next round of discussion for the Crystal City Building Heights Study will be during the virtual Long Range Planning Committee meeting on May 17. Find more information about the study here: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/plans-studies/crystal-city-building-heights-study/
VDOT Route 1 Multimodal Improvements Study
The reaction of the community to VDOT’s initial proposal to bring Route 1 down to grade at 15th and at 18th was universally negative. Since the February 25 Task Force and March 3 Public Engagement meeting, the VDOT project has gone silent. A report from the third Task Force meeting has not been posted, the website has no major updates, and the next set of public meetings has been postponed until June, exact dates TBD. Meanwhile JBGS and the BID continue to promote a Michigan-Avenue-style retail site on a down-to-grade Route 1 – see next story. Stay tuned.
JBGS-National Landing BID Host First Retail Community Forum on Wednesday, April 21
Amy Rice, Senior VP of Retail Leasing of JBGS reviewed the Retail Master Plan of JBGS for National Landing. She started with data on national retail trends and predictions for a strong and growing market in our area. JBG Smith is researching what components are necessary to achieve the 15-minute city concept in which work, home, shopping, healthcare, education, and entertainment are all reachable within 15 minutes by foot or bicycle. She then identified four retail street typologies for National Landing – and described the types of retail that would be featured on each type of street:
- Grand Boulevard –Down-to-Grade Route 1: Model for this JBGS retail vision is Chicago’s Michigan Avenue Magnificent Mile, with high-end chain retail that creates a regional destination for shoppers and diners, arriving on foot or by car or transit.
- Main Street – Crystal Drive: These retail establishments, typically on both sides of the street, are those that people living in the area need for their 15-minutes city. The area will create flexible gathering places and other program spaces, such as dining in the park, as well as provide a mix of food and beverage operators, entertainment, grocery, and services.
- Neighborhood Street/Connectors – Numbered streets and Eads and Fern: These areas function as entrances to different distinct neighborhoods, so they will provide neighborhood amenities, and small businesses, local businesses, and woman- and minority-owned businesses will have priority. Model is 23rd Street.
- The Underground: JBGS appreciates that the Underground offers opportunities for targeted activities like grab-and-go convenience to and from the Metro, as well as community space. Retail businesses that do not need to be at street level may be great fits for underground locations (e.g., ghost kitchens, music). JBGS staff noted that JBGS has undertaken a detailed physical analysis of all of the Underground space and that a future public meeting will focus exclusively on The Underground (date TBD).
The National Landing BID Is Offering In-Person Activities
The National Landing BID is now offering several outdoor in-person events open to the community, including the following:
- Movies in the Park: https://nationallanding.org/do/movies-in-the-park
Join the National Landing BID for a month of outdoor movie nights, Fridays at Virginia Highlands Park. Movies will begin at 8 P.M. Social distance circles will be sprayed and there will be a four-person limit per circle. Masks will be required while walking to or from your circle. To pre-register to see one of the movies, click on the movie title and complete your registration:
- May 7: Moana
- May 14: The Secret Garden
- May 21: Mary Poppins Returns
- May 28: Bill & Ted Face the Music
- The Great Inflatable Race – Pacer’s 5k in National Landing, Friday, May 7, 7PM. https://nationallanding.org/do/5k-fridays
Join the National Landing BID in a 5K fun run across National Landing – dressed in your wackiest summer inflatable attire! Register at https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Arlington/CrystalCity5KFridays. After the race, stop by any of our Post-Run Restaurants to pick up your exclusive INFLATABLE flamingo drink holder: Bowlero, Crystal City Sports Pub, Freddie’s Beach Bar & Restaurant, The Freshman. Covid safety restrictions limit registration to 250 participants and the race will be a time-trial format with runners released in waves. Masks will be required at the start and finish lines and while passing within 10 feet of other runners. There will be no on-site packet pickup. Race packets will be picked up in advance.
- Neighborhood Farmers Markets: National Market joins the Crystal City Farmers Market; Second Farmers Market to Open in MetPark
The BID-sponsored Farmers Market continues to offer fresh food, plants, and other goods from local farmers every Tuesday, 3–7PM, currently at 2121 Crystal Drive. Starting May 15, the BID will also sponsor a National Landing Market every Saturday from 11AM–6PM at 2100 Crystal Drive. The National Landing Market will feature furniture, vintage clothing, collectibles, antiques, a curated selection of jewelry, arts and crafts, and more! With the County Board’s approval in April, a second Farmers Market in 22202 will come to MetPark on Saturday mornings. https://www.arlnow.com/2021/04/14/new-farmers-market-likely-coming-to-pentagon-city/
- Additional outdoor activities hosted by the BID: https://nationallanding.org/events/calendar
May is Bike Month
- BikeArlington: Whether you are dusting off your bike, don’t own a bike, or are rolling on the trails every day, you are invited to participate in BikeArlington’s month-long celebration of biking events, virtual challenges, discounts to local business, and so much more. BikeArlington is encouraging folks to “Bike Instead” to places they’d normally drive to. Register for this FREE program at https://www.bikearlington.com/bikeinstead/ and you’ll receive weekly emails with tips, resources, weekly bike prompts, and more to motivate you to Bike Instead during Bike Month.
- The BID’s Bike to Work Week Event. May 17–21, Crystal City Water Park https://nationallanding.org/do/bike-to-work-week
Join the National Landing BID at the Water Park (1601 Crystal Drive) every morning 7–9 A.M. Riders who check in all 5 days will earn the coveted, exclusive National Landing Cycling Swag, but the BID will have fun bike swag available for all riders each day. Register for the BID site here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIighpDUL0LEys22BW3S5nxm0sVCQCNqmN6J8nORqR76WxuQ/viewform
- WABA’s Bike to Work Day, May 21: www.biketoworkmetrodc.org/register.
- Crystal City Bike Network (CCBN) Meeting Postponed – Date TBD The second Crystal City Bike Network community meeting, originally scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, has been POSTPONED one month. A new date for this community meeting will be announced as soon as possible. For more information about public engagement for the CCBN, and to catch up on what has happened so far, please visit the Get Involved section of the CCBN website: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/ccbn-get-involved/
Synetic Theater Summer Camp – In-Person or Virtual
After a successful in-person Spring Break camp, Synetic Theater is excited to announce a return to in-person Summer Camp (https://synetictheater.org/camps/). The theme for this year’s Summer Camps is “COMMUNITY!” From the stories we tell together to the friends we choose, each camp will be a social experience where students interact with one another in their pods and build their own community. Together, students will work as a team to create their own show. Each summer camp student will have an action-packed day full of acting, dancing, and games culminating with a performance on our mainstage. One-week and two-week sessions start in late June Contact our Camp Director, Ashton Schaffer, with any questions or concerns: Ashton@synetictheater.org.
With limited capacity and only 13 students to a group, sign up today.
Run/walk/roll in the DPR virtual 5k/10k – with free training
Walk, run, or roll in Arlington’s virtual 5K or 10K program for ages 13+! Receive basic training tips and sample training schedules from the Department of Parks and Recreation’s personal trainers through the month of May.
Register for the DPR Free Virtual 5K/10K (Activity-Section 340332-A by either calling (703)228-4747 or going online: https://web1.myvscloud.com/wbwsc/vaarlingtonwt.wsc/splash.htmll. You’ll receive a printable bib and log sheet. Complete your distance anytime in May and get a printable certificate after you log your miles. Share your photos and videos for this program using the #ArlMoves and tag @arlparksrec.
Alternatives to Calling the Police
SURJ NoVa (https://www.surjnova.org/) and the Crystal City Civic Association co-hosted a webinar on alternatives to calling the police on April 25. The presentation, breakouts, and discussion were thought-provoking and intense. For many participants, the implications of calling the police were a revelation and something to consider when encountering a potential criminal activity. The webinar recording is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/mVAOgb2NtO-86moqCT-64ys-ilKaoWp4rIafrsO8TupbRmIAlCzvC6hjIgpJeDrf.9cLFsPR9z0G8NkKV. Enter this password – including the period: zvykS8w.
Keeping Informed on County Police News
A wealth of additional information is available on the police website and through our Commitment to the Community webpage. You can also stay informed about crime and safety news by visiting the Daily Crime Report, Online Crime Map and Subscribing to Police News. Questions About School Issues? |
Send us your questions and comments to you School Board Members, we will collect and send them to David Priddy. Every comment and answer will be posted in the next monthly newsletter. David Priddy can’t make our May meeting
Memorial Day Weekend in Virginia Highlands Park
Stay tuned for the special activities planned for the Memorial weekend that includes many fun activities!

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