June 2022 Newsletter

0 Comments June 7, 2022 |

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Monthly Meeting Reminder
Wednesday, June 8, 7-9pm



7:00 pm – Discussion of Arlington County’s Missing Middle Housing Study

7:30 pm – Dominion Energy Project Update

8:00 pm – State Senator Adam Ebbin with legislative update

Other Business

New Business


The meeting will be virtual only. Please REGISTER NOW to receive a confirmation email with details about joining the meeting and the option to add a reminder to your calendar.

If you are unable to attend, but have questions you’d like raised for any agenda items, please email them to officers@aurorahighlands.org and we’ll do our best to address them during the meeting.

Note from the President

Dear Neighbors,

Join us for our Virtual AHCA meeting on June 8 at 7 pm. With summer and vacations approaching, I didn’t want you to go away without knowing about a major initiative that is moving forward in the county to study and implement the Missing Middle Housing Project. You may have seen the report and taken the opportunity to comment on the county’s feedback form before it closed at the end of May. I have been invited by several other Civic Associations to listen in on informal sessions with County Board members. We will have a discussion at our June 8 meeting to learn what your concerns about the proposal are, as well as your ideas for implementing it in a way that helps meet the county’s stated goals while avoiding negative impacts on our neighborhood.

Our guests for June 8 are Dominion’s Ann Gordon Mickel and State Senator Adam Ebbin. More info is below.

Later in the month, on June 15, the Crystal City Civic Association is hosting a community-wide meeting to share the proposals of the VDOT Route 1 planning study. Please see the meeting announcement below, and the VDOT article on page 3 for more information.

-Cory Giacobbe, President, AHCA

June AHCA Meeting Topic: Missing Middle Housing Study

Missing Middle” housing refers to housing types between single-family detached houses and high rise apartment buildings. Dotted throughout Aurora Highlands are some examples of these, mostly duplexes and small apartment buildings. These buildings were built before subsequent zoning changes restricted new housing to detached single-family homes and could not be built or majorly remodeled today. To meet the needs of a broad range of residents, Arlington would like to provide more housing type options and has released a proposed framework to allow 2-8 unit houses as long as they can fit in the same size as allowed single family dwellings. We will have a brief discussion, gather feedback, and learn about future engagement opportunities. https://bit.ly/3GLMD0r

June AHCA Meeting Topic: Glebe Electric Transmission Project (Dominion Energy)

Dominion is upgrading the Glebe Substation at S. Eads and Four Mile Run. The multi-year project will:

  • Rebuild and modernize the Glebe Substation
  • Convert the existing above ground transmission lines to underground (and under Four Mile Run) transmission lines
  • Decommission the existing Potomac Yard Transition Station and overhead lines
  • Affect transportation routes for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Dominion Energy staff will speak at the meeting, discuss detours, and answer your questions.

June AHCA Meeting Topic: State Senator Adam Ebbin

Senator Ebbin will discuss the just-passed budget, the successes and failures of the recent legislative session, and his priorities for the district, as well as answer your questions.


Route 1 Workshop: What Will it Mean to Bring the Highway Down to Grade?

The three Livability 22202 Civic Associations – Crystal City, Arlington Ridge, and Aurora Highlands – will be sponsoring a joint membership meeting on Wednesday, June 15, at 7PM to consider various design options for lowering Route 1 to grade at its 15th and 18th Street future intersections. Our joint Livability Route 1 Workshop will present both VDOT’s and its own architects’ various renderings, illustrations and analyses. We will also discuss Route 1 Right of Way (ROW) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plans and solicit your input and rankings. Visit the VDOT project page for info from previous community meetings.

Register for the meeting through this link:


County Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for FY 2023-2032

The proposed Fiscal Years 2023 – 2032 Capital Improvement Plan returns to a traditional 10-year plan following a three-year CIP in FY 2022- FY 2024 and a one-year CIP in FY 2021 both adjusted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The development of the CIP will focus on existing commitments and begin investments in long-term plans. It also includes a bond referendum for large infrastructure projects to be considered by voters in November 2022. Check out the new CIP interactive map to discover what projects are proposed in the 22202 area. The proposed CIP project list is also helpful. Sections of the actual proposed budget appear to be linked by broad topic through this CIP page. Note the CIP Work Session calendar – and date for Public Comment (June 28 7PM).

Don’t Forget to VOTE in the Primary on June 21!

Virginia is holding a Democratic primary on June 21. In Arlington County, the only contest is for the Democratic representative for the Congressional Seat. A sample ballot is here. You may request a mail-in ballot until June 10: Request a Mail Ballot Online.

You can also drop off a mail ballot in the drop box outside of the Community Center (properly completed, signed, and sealed) until 7PM on Election Day, June 21. You may also vote in person on June 21 if you are eligible and have not already voted. Verify your polling place and qualifications through the Virginia Voter Information Portal. Polls are open from 6AM through 7PM.

NEW! Crystal City – Pentagon City Area Map

The Crystal City – Pentagon City area map provides a look at active projects, private development, and County-led planning efforts. Projects and plans are color coded by phase and filterable to help community members and the public better understand what’s currently under construction and what’s to come. Take a look at County plans and study areas, discover upcoming projects in your neighborhood, or keep up to date with projects of interest. The Crystal City – Pentagon City area map is updated on a monthly basis. You can use the map to identify project managers and contact information when you have a question about the project.


Renting? Please Take This Short Survey

The Livability22202 Housing Committee is running a short survey for renters to help document the impact that changes in our neighborhood are having on housing costs. If you are a renter, please fill out this anonymous survey and all are invited to share it out. The goal is to identify trends in rent increases and help policymakers understand what actions may be needed to prevent displacement and financial burdens on our neighborhood. https://bit.ly/3xdNNyL

The Best Time to Plant a Tree Was 20 Years Ago. The Second-Best Time is Today!

Please consider planting a young tree today to replace an old one that will disappear tomorrow. The Tree Canopy Fund makes it easy for you. TCF will plant a 7’- 8’ tree of your choice on your property, at no cost to you—you save $200-$300, or more. And in return for helping the next generation of trees, you help ensure that the next generation of people will have a comfortable, healthy, and beautiful neighborhood. Deadline is June 24. More info is available at

https://www.ecoactionarlington.org/community-programs/trees/ or email natashaatkins1@gmail.com.

Please Water Your Street Trees!

If there are new street trees outside your house, please keep and eye on them and water them throughout the summer and fall. The County doesn’t have the budget for regular watering and they depend on neighbors giving them a drink periodically. New trees need ten gallons of water per week in their first two years after planting, if there hasn’t been at least an inch of rain. Here’s a link to the TreeStewards of Arlington and Alexandria blog on watering new trees.

Synetic Theater Summer Camps

Still looking for something creative for your kids to do this summer? Check out the offerings at Synetic Theater. They have offerings for kids 1-12.

Four Mile Run Detour

Beginning this week, bikers and pedestrians will have to use a detour along the Four Mile Run Trail between S. Eads and Route 1. The detour will be in place four about 4 months while Dominion constructs a temporary boardwalk along the trail. These efforts are to ensure that the FMR Trail stays open over the next few years while Dominion works to upgrade the substation at the south end of S. Eads St. For a map and more info on the project, go to https://www.dominionenergy.com/projects-and-facilities/electric-projects/power-line-projects/glebe

Long Bridge: A New Bike/Ped Connection from Arlington to DC

This project will construct a new, two-track railroad bridge next to the existing Long Bridge, creating a four-track corridor. A new bike-pedestrian bridge also will span the Potomac River and the GW Memorial Parkway, connecting Long Bridge Park directly to East and West Potomac Parks. These improvements will greatly expand the regional bike-ped network, help relieve a regional commercial rail bottleneck, and create new opportunities for passenger rail to serve our community. The preliminary engineering phase should be completed in 2024, with final design and construction from 2024 to 2030. Come learn about the current status of the Long Bridge Project during their virtual public meeting on Wednesday, June 22. Register here.

Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion

This project will realign Columbia Pike and add a bike-ped trail on the north side. Southgate Road will be closed, and the cemetery will take over the road space as part of its expansion. The northern end of Joyce will be shortened to a new connection with Columbia Pike. Watch for future detailed plans and construction detours. For Info visit https://www.arlingtonva.us/Government/Projects/Project-Types/Transportation-Projects/Arlington-Cemetery-Southern-Expansion

Parking Lanes Closing to Make Way for Transitway Extension to Pentagon City

Starting on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, the parking lanes on the northbound side of Crystal Drive and 12th Street South, from 15th Street South to Army Navy Drive, will close permanently to make way for Segment I of the Transitway Extension to Pentagon City. This extension to Pentagon City is the northern segment of the Crystal City Potomac Yard Transitway, adding to the 4.5-mile bus-only Transitway corridor dedicated to high-frequency, premium transit service. With the extension, the Transitway will run from the Braddock Road Metrorail station in the City of Alexandria to the Pentagon City Metrorail station in Arlington. Segment I of the Transitway extension project is expected to be complete in the spring or summer of 2023.

750 23rd St. S. (Melwood)

The Long Range Planning Commission (LRPC) met on May 12 to decide whether or not to proceed with Tier 2 review on the project. Stacy Meyer, Zoning Committee Chair, represented AHCA at this meeting. As of this writing (6/1/2022) there is no update from the LRPC or response to correspondence sent to the LRPC from Aurora Highlands. The meeting summary notes and the Aurora Highlands Civic Association Zoning Committee report are posted to the project webpage. https://www.arlingtonva.us/Government/Projects/Plans-Studies/General-Land-Use-Plan/Studies/Melwood?preview=637864837626167068

Crystal Towers 3

More residential and retail are planned for the Crystal Tower complex at 1600 S. Eads. Read this Urban Turf article about the early plans: https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/a-new-11-story-200-unit-development-pitched-for-arlingtons-crystal-towers/19618

National Landing BID Transportation Roundtable May 24

These quarterly updates sponsored by the BID provide current information on BID and County transportation projects, and sometimes other transportation projects in the National Landing area. This meeting is the best status summary for all of the transportation projects in the National Landing area.

Meeting Recording:


Meeting Presentation Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kQ4sjuO244nSnkkDmDcteoDj5NhY5aP0/view

Crystal City Heights Study / Eads Street Residential

The Aurora Highlands Civic Association voted to approve the Zoning Committee’s report on the Crystal City Heights Study / Eads Street Residential at its May meeting. The report can be found on the AHCA website under the documents tab. The report opposes the Eads Street Residential proposed GLUP Amendment and the proposed increases in height in and adjacent to Aurora Highlands. The report was sent to the County Board, the Planning Commission and staff. There are no County updates on the project as of this writing and the Zoning Committee report is not yet on either of the project webpages.


Crystal Plaza 5

The Crystal Plaza 5 project will construct two new mixed-use towers (residential and first floor retail) with 645 total residential units, at 2250 Crystal Drive and at 223 23rd Street South. The plans include foreshortening the Underground at its southern terminus, realigning that stretch of 23rd Street, and creating new alleys and parks around the buildings. The project page will soon provide on how to attend the Site Plan meeting on Monday, June 13.

West Glebe Street Bridge Reconstruction:

The Bridge is now closed to vehicular traffic in both directions, because of continuing deterioration. If driving, consider taking Arlington Ridge Road south and continuing over the Mt Vernon Avenue bridge, which also is in bad need of repairs. The County posted a map with suggested detours for drivers and one for bike-peds. Although cyclists and pedestrians may still cross on the bridge, their current passageway will be closed in July with detours to a new pedestrian walkway. Note that the shared use underpass will also be closed at some point.

>> Dues are Due! <<

Please show your support for AHCA and our community by sending in your annual dues for 2022. It’s only $20 per household and helps support this monthly newsletter, community events, and other neighborhood building activities, and also lets you vote at meetings. Please pay online at aurorahighlands.org by clicking the “Donate” button to pay by PayPal. Checks can also be mailed to AHCA, P.O. Box 25201, Arlington, VA 22202. Thank You!

Deadline to register to vote in the June primary is May 31. You may request a mail-in ballot or you can vote early in person at the County early voting site. All the information you need to find out how to vote is on the County election website.

Newsletters & Social Media

We have heard from residents that really enjoy having a print newsletter. While we’ll do our best to continue it, that will depend on continued support from advertisers and volunteers to assemble it. Sign up for newsletters by email at aurorahighlands.org/join-ahca and follow us at @AuroraHighlands on Twitter, Facebook, or Insta to stay connected no matter what.

Mark Your Calendar

For details, see related articles and https://aurorahighlands.org/events/


Reuse/Recycle on Aurora Highlands Yard Sale Day!

Sunday June 19, 8 am-2pm

To get your address on the yard sale map, sign up at https://www.colonneselab.org/yard-sale ! Maps will be distributed two days prior to the sale (and should be widely available the day of the sale). Watch 4D-A announcements for further information.

Open Door Mondays

Every Monday, 7-8:30pm

Talk to a County Board member on any topic. bit.ly/arl-board-mondays

DPR Spring Programs – Sign Up NOW!

Follow this link to sign up for camps, sports and programs for kids, adults and seniors.

HOG Pull, Saturday

July 2, 9-11 a.m.

Invasive Plant Pull

Meet at Haley Park, 2400 S. Meade St., Arlington, VA 22202

Please preregister at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f44acae22a7fa7-haley

Ft. Scott Invasives Removal

June 25, 9 – 11 a.m.

During COVID, registration is required. Pre-register at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f44acae22a7fa7-ftscott

55+ Programs @ Aurora Hills

If you are 55 or older, check out the 55+ Pass programs at Aurora Hills. https://bit.ly/arl-ah55plus

Advertise here and reach over 1,000 of your neighbors!

Send inquiries to newsletter@aurorahighlands.org


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AHCA Webmaster