June Newsletter

[ 0 ] June 8, 2020 |


Monthly Meeting Reminder

Wednesday, June 10, 7-9pm

June’s meeting will be virtual only. Please register now to receive a confirmation email with details about joining the meeting and the option to add a reminder to your calendar. For those unable to use Zoom, we expect to also stream the event live to Facebook @aurorahighlands (no app or Facebook account required). Our Arlington Ridge and Crystal City neighbors are welcome to join in this meeting as well.

If you are unable to attend, but have questions you’d like raised for any agenda items, please email them to info@aurorahighlands.org and we’ll do our best to address them during the meeting.

June 10 Agenda

Have you noticed lately that we are using our sidewalks, streets, parks, and other public spaces in different ways? Or wondering why we aren’t already doing more to make these resources more useful for the neighborhood? Wondering what our fellow neighbor Amazon has been doing during the Covid crisis or how the HQ2/MetPark buildout is going? And what about all of the businesses and restaurants in our area, many locally owned – how have they been holding up?

Then join us Wednesday, 7-9pm for our June meeting, as we’re fortunate to have a terrific lineup talking about those topics. Each 10-20 minute presentation will be followed by a 10 minute Q&A session.
Phil Myrick, CEO of Project for Public Spaces (PPS) will be our headliner, speaking about the value of public spaces (parks, plazas, sidewalks, streets, etc.) during the recovery, and how we should be thinking differently about them long-term. We’re very fortunate to have him, and very timely given all of the changes on tap for this area.

Read a few recent PPS articles, “The Recovery Will Happen in Public Space” and “The Ligher, Quicker, Cheaper Transformation of Public Spaces” to get a taste of their expertise, which echoes many of the important goals we’ve identified for the area in our own Livability 22202 work.
Brooke Oberwetter, Head of External Affairs at Amazon will discuss their COVID response in the area, progress on Met Park buildout and hiring, and provide a community engagement update.

Hopefully the pile driving for MetPark6/7/8 wasn’t so loud that you didn’t hear the deadline passed to provide your feedback on the initial design concepts for the public space at Met Park or hear that Amazon has been supporting our 23rd street restaurants with massive orders for front line workers.
Tracy Gabriel, President of the Crystal City Business Improvement District will round out the presentations with an update on the work they’ve been doing supporting our businesses and the state of businesses in the area.

If you’ve been following the news, you’ll know the BID officially expanded to cover Pentagon City in Aurora Highlands last year. It is expected to be officially renamed National Landing BID soon, and can begin officially programming in our area starting in July. We look forward to working more closely with them as they introduce their core set of services, programming, events and placemaking to all of National Landing, while continuing to celebrate Crystal City, Pentagon City and Potomac Yard as unique and distinctive communities.
This will be AHCA’s first virtual meeting. We expect it to go well, but there may be hiccups. Our bylaws did not envision virtual meetings, so we will not be performing any official actions such as making motions and taking votes. If you have an issue that you feel needs to be raised, please contact an officer afterwards and we’ll discuss with you.
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News & Community updates

The Underground Challenge

Have either a writing, photography or videography interest? The Crystal City Underground workshop citizens group is planning an “Underground Challenge” to spark creative thinking and conversation about the future of this space. Several different creative exercises will be announced during the month of June.

This effort, part of our Livability 22202 project, is hoping to gather insights and ideas about the future of the Underground, by drawing on the creativity and knowledge of the 22202 community.  Please stay tuned for upcoming information on the Underground Challenge!  Prizes and honoraria to be announced soon!

Civfed endorsement of Livability 22202

At its May meeting the Arlington Civic Federation passed a resolution endorsing our “Livability 22202” action plan. The Civic Federation, whose purpose is “promoting the general welfare of Arlington County and vicinity in a non-partisan, non-sectarian, non-sectional, and non-political manner,” comprises more than 90 civic associations and other organizations dedicated to advocacy and community involvement.

Livability 22202,” a product of collaborations between AHCA and our sister civic associations in Crystal City and Arlington Ridge, lays out aspirations and expectations on a host of issues – housing, the environment, transportation, and the arts among them – and serves as our roadmap for our collaboration and negotiations with Amazon, developers, and the County as development moves forward in our area. Other civic associations have expressed interest in adopting the plan as a model for efforts in their areas, such as Columbia Pike redevelopment.

Music and Art in the park series

If you’ve been by Virginia Highlands Park along Joyce street lately, you’ve probably noticed a series of art installations and music. These have fostered a terrific sense of community in difficult times, encouraging neighbors to make safe and appropriate use of our public spaces. We would like to thank the neighborhood volunteers that have put these on.

The first installation on May 23 used rainbow colors in heart symbols to honor the front-line workers and our community who continue to fight the pandemic. The hearts were placed at approximately 12 feet apart allowing for people to sit and enjoy their own space while others can walk in between the hearts. Temporary, chalk-based paint was used to create the social distancing hearts painted on the ground.

Recently, the installation has been switched out to a large kite proclaiming “the sky is the limit”, along with a series of small colorful kites attached to the fence for anyone to use.

Musicians have performed at the park the last two Saturday evenings, providing live music to the public as they use the open space for picnics and other unorganized activities. Effective Fri., June 5, Arlington County has reopened numerous park amenities for people who practice social distancing and follow the posted guidelines.

Contact AHCA if you have an interest in putting on similar art or music happenings.

AHCA request to open streets

Shortly after COVID-19 related lockdowns, there was a drastic reduction in traffic and equally drastic increase in people at home who were walking and biking in the neighborhood. Various commissions pressed the County to respond by adjusting sidewalk and street spaces to better and more safely accommodate residents. The leadership of AHCA and Crystal City Civic Association wrote a letter to the Board in April supporting these requests and offering our neighborhood for pilot projects, in line with the Livability 22202 work.

These requests were dismissed by the County, primarily because they believed it would require too many resources to implement and monitor. While some resources would be required, we believe the requests could have been enacted fairly easily and in way that responded to resident needs while moving the needle forward on testing out new approaches to meet the changes we expect in the upcoming years with density and walkability. We will continue to pressure the County to be more responsive to changing needs.

Regarding improving sidewalks, AHCA requested the assistance of Amazon and the Crystal City BID in folding down unused cafe zones that were constricting sidewalk space for social distancing, and we’re happy to relay the issues were quickly addressed. The BID has also notified restaurants of resident concerns about activities outside of the current phased reopening guidelines.

Trash collection

Arlington’s trash/recycling contractor continues to experience staffing issues due to COVID-19. As a result, some routes recently have not been completed on their scheduled day, requiring a follow-up run the next day. If trash and/or recycling is not collected on your service day, leave the carts at the curb the next day.  If carts have not been serviced by noon the second day, submit a missed collection ticket online or by calling 703-228-5000.

Limited bulk trash item collection returned as of May 25 with required scheduling through 703-228-5000 during business hours. Curbside yard waste collection remains suspended until further notice. You can drop off grass/leaves/vines M-F 8-12pm at the Earth Products Yard at the Trades Center, 4300 29th St. S. in Shirlington. Curbside collection of larger yard waste material like brush and limbs remains available by appointment only.

Census 2020

Arlington is closing in on 70% counted for the 2020 census. If you have not already, take 10 minutes now and take it online or by calling 844-330-2020. Already taken it? Please help us spread the word and encourage friends, relatives and other people in your network to take the Census.

Elections for Republican primary (June 23) & County Board (July 7)

There will be a Republican primary on June 23 to choose an opponent for Senator Mark Warner in November. The candidates are Daniel Gade, Thomas Speciale and Alissa Baldwin. There is no Democratic Primary.

July 7 is the election to replace the seat vacated by the death of Arlington County Board member Erik Gutshall.  Candidates include Republican Bob Cambridge, Democrat Takis Karantonis and Independent Susan Cunningham. The County Board is your most local elected representative. Local elections matter, so please cast your vote.

In person voting will be available for both elections. The deadline to vote early in person is June 20 for the June 23 primary and July 4 for the July 7 election. You can also get an absentee ballot application for either election mailed to you. Covid is a viable “illness disability excuse.” The Election Office cautions that it can take up to 10 days for a voter to receive a ballot after requesting, and voters should not mail back a completed ballot with less than 10 days before the election. Drop off locations will also be available, including at our Aurora Hills Community Center, 735 18th St S, June 18 3-6pm and July 2 3-6pm.

For more details on the candidates, see the nonpartisan information provided by The League of Women Voters of Arlington. The Arlington Committee of 100 is hosting a virtual candidates forum at the same time as our June meeting, June 10 7pm-8:15pm. The LWV will also be hosting a virtual forum for the three County Board candidates on Saturday, June 20 from 1 to 3pm. Arlington Independent Media and EcoAction Arlington are also hosting an environmental candidates forum Thursday, June 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom for the three Arlington Board candidates.

Protests for Racial Justice

More than 1,000 people gathered outside Arlington County’s government headquarters in Courthouse Plaza Saturday to call for racial justice. An estimated 3,300 total people participated in a series of marches and protests in Arlington on Saturday, some later marching into D.C. and joining the more than 10,000 demonstrators in the District. While our neighborhood has been fairly quiet, we know neighbors are participating in these events and hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

Several residents trying to think through how to understand and express sentiments about racism right now have taken to Nextdoor to engage in respectful dialog and shared resources such as “5 racist anti-racism responses ‘good’ white women give to viral posts” that they have found to be helpful.

Melwood scaling back development plans

Melwood reached out to AHCA informally earlier this year, very excited about the potential to rethink the use of their 23rd Street facility, including making it much more of valued resource for neighbors. That has now been postponed in response to Covid-19. For the 23rd street building, this year will see modest interior renovations, primarily focused on cleaning and remediation of lead paint on the 2nd floor, with no impact to neighbors.

You may know Melwood’s mission is providing jobs and opportunities for people of differing abilities. You may not know many of those people are on the front lines, such as custodial workers keeping federal offices cleaned. Day services including job training on 23rd street have been suspended, although Melwood is doing well relative to other non-profits, and are working to keep everyone paid. The plants and produce they are no longer able to sell are being donated to nursing homes and to AFAC.

Pre-briefing on 12th St Development

COVID-19 has changed all of our patterns recently, including community outreach and awareness of development projects in Arlington County. The County has recently issued an ordinance on public meetings that will limit in-person participation in SPRC, Planning Commission, and County Board meetings. Since we in the 22202 zip code may experience the majority of development plans that will come before the Board, it is important that we all stay informed and make our views known during the early stages of planning. Luckily we have a good partner in JBG Smith.

In advance of the expected SPRC meeting to be held by the County on JBG Smith’s development plans for 101 S. 12th Street, JBG Smith is offering voluntarily an informal briefing open to the public for information purposes and questions. The Crystal City Civic Association is sponsoring this meeting since the development will be done in Crystal City in order to ensure substantial outreach to the community during the COVID-19 crisis which has made face to face meetings impossible. Anyone who plans to attend the virtual SPRC meeting (potentially in July) should plan to attend this virtual meeting.

JBG will be hosting this virtual meeting on WebEx June 8 from 7-8 pm with a 20-25 minute presentation by JBG Smith followed by a Q and A period. The participation will be by pre-registration only for security purposes and is open to 22202 residents and other invited guests, including County planners. In order to attend, please register here.  Registrants who prefer to attend by phone can use the phone number below to call. In the same way that County Board virtual meetings are currently being held on the COVID crisis, a chat feature will be available to submit questions or comments that will be answered after the briefing.

Summer is Here – Think Shade!

Trees are good for you comfort and your wallet. They increase your property value, lower your A/C bill, and reduce flooding. They benefit all of us by providing shade and improving neighborhood air quality. And they provide habitat for wildlife such as songbirds and pollinators.

Hundreds of your neighbors have already saved $200–$300 by signing up for a free tree, to be planted in the fall on your property. The deadline is June 29. Individuals and groups, such as places of worship or homeowner associations, can apply. For details see https://www.ecoactionarlington.org/community-programs/trees/. If you’re in Aurora Highlands or Arlington Ridge, contact Kathy Landis. She is coordinating applications for our neighborhoods. landis59@gmail.com

Our Teens in Action for the Environment

Arlington Independent MediaSustainable Scoop, and EcoAction Arlington are promoting an opportunity for people to enjoy a free screening of The Story of Plastic on June 16. There will be a discussion including Neil Seldman of the Institute for Local Self Reliance, Eric Grabowsky, Bureau Chief of the Arlington County Solid Waste Bureau, and teens founders of For A Strawless Sea, an Arlington youth lead initiative focused on reducing styrofoam and other single use plastic. They will present their innovative idea on a reusable to go box program.

On June 22 there will be an additional forum where they will spotlight the panel discussion and invite teens from the DMV to share their ideas and solutions on how the region can go ZeroWaste. Please encourage all young people to watch the film and attend the forum.

Can’t Attend?

Share Your Thoughts
Drop us a line at info@aurorahighlands.org or contact an officer or rep directly at their address listed on the web site.

Check Out Meeting Minutes
A summary of every meeting is available in the meeting minutes maintained by our Recording Secretary and available on the aurorahighlands.org web site in the Documents section. Draft minutes are typically posted the week after the meeting.

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