Pentagon City Draft Plan Released; Comment by Aug 23

0 Comments August 10, 2021 |

The County has released the highly-anticipated draft report from the Pentagon City Planning Study, and is inviting you to review and comment by August 23.

See the full notice sent to public workshop participants:

Good evening:

You are receiving this email because at some point during the Pentagon City Planning Process, you attended a public workshop. We wanted to directly inform you that the draft plan has been posted on the project website at and invite your review and comment. While the County will be sharing the draft plan in a number of other venues for community feedback, we thank you for helping to proactively spread the word amongst your neighbors and other interested stakeholders.

To send any questions or comments directly, please email and If you have a specific comment, it is helpful to note the page number in the document. We are exploring creating a webform to allow for comment entry there.

We also will be holding (virtual) Public Office Hours on Wednesday, August 11 from 1-3 PM and 7-9 PM so that there are opportunities to ask questions and share back and forth about the draft plan. These office hours do not have a presentation, and are a “drop-in” style; the broad range of time is to attempt to accommodate different schedule needs. Links to sign up for these office hours, to be hosted on zoom, are included below and will be posted on the County website shortly:

Wednesday, August 11, 1-3 PM sign-up:
Register in advance for this meeting:

Wednesday, August 11, 7-9 PM sign-up:
Register in advance for this meeting:

As you review the draft plan, you’ll find there are places where there is space for additional content on transportation analysis, being prepared by DES. They are planning to release their findings in mid-August, and you will receive a direct notification then. Office hours will also be scheduled specifically on the expanded transportation content.

We ask that you review this first draft no later than August 23, so that your comments can be fully incorporated into a second draft plan that will be released in mid-September, concurrent with presentation of the draft plan to multiple County commissions over the following month.

Thank you for your participation in the planning study thus far, and the thoughtfulness you have all collectively brought to this process

Bonus update August 12! The missing Transportation section has just been released as well!

Thanks to those of you who were able to join us for office hours on the Pentagon City Draft Plan yesterday – we had robust discussions about the big picture takeaways, details of the plan, and what are the next steps, including plans for release of a second draft in Mid-September. To that end, we welcome additional comments and thoughts you may have by August 23, so they can be incorporated or addressed in a second draft.

I also wanted to highlight that additional transportation material was released today and posted on the County website that may interest you– this includes transportation analysis completed through DES, as well as additional material in the Transportation Chapter of the Pentagon City Plan.

Because this material is complex, and includes the participation of multiple DES staff members, they’ve graciously agreed to hold an open office hour next Wednesday, August 18 from 10-12. This is drop-in time to ask questions and have back-and-forth dialog on the material. The sign-up link (via zoom) is also available on the webpage and included below.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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