South Eads Residential: Initial Tier 1 Review for GLUP Amendment

0 Comments October 7, 2021 |

A request was submitted for the subject properties located on South Eads Street between 23rd St. S. and 24th St. S. in Aurora Highlands to expand the Crystal City Sector Plan boundary on the General Land Use Plan (GLUP) to include the southern parcel of the site with an associated rezoning from C-2 and C-1-0 to C-O Crystal City for both parcels.

The County GLUP meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 20, at 7PM. All – including impacted neighbors – are welcome to attend this virtual TEAMS meeting. Review the applicant’s materials linked through the project page before the meeting. Note: The Outlier Project was discussed at the September AHCA meeting. The meeting recording is here, and the presentation starts at 32 minutes.

Natasha Atkins will be the AHCA rep for this project at county meetings.
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