July 2021 Newsletter

0 Comments July 12, 2021 |

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July Meeting

Join us for our next monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 14th from 7-9pm!

  1. Pentagon City Planning Study. This study, which will “help guide future development for Pentagon City”, is nearing the final phase, with a preferred scenario and draft report being prepared. To understand what that means and what options remain for residents to learn and influence the outcome, we have invited several guests to get you up to speed:
    • Matt Mattauszek, Crystal City/Pentagon City Planning Coordinator for Arlington County, will provide an update on the current status and preferred scenario being evaluated, and explain how the Study would ultimately get approved and translated into action.
    • Ben D’Avanzo, our AHCA rep on the Planning Study Focus Group, will talk about the community poll recently conducted, AHCA community priorities, and areas of the Study we as a community may still have issues and need to focus on.
    • Jon Huntley of Arlington Analytics and neighbor Kari Klaus will present their research done with the Arlington County Civic Federation on equitable access to open public spaces and how the currently proposed scenarios will significantly reduce access per capita to open public green spaces near Pentagon City, especially for lower income and those living in high-rise buildings, should the scenarios be adopted. Read more in the newsletter.
  2. Livability: Schools & Route 1
    • Alistair Watson, the AHCA lead on the new Livability22202 Schools working group, will provide an update and request additional volunteers. A brief update on the status of Route 1 will also be provided.
  3. Nurse Donation
    • Alistair Watson would like to propose AHCA donate $200 to the VHC nursing fund in recognition of the outstanding work performed during the pandemic, and every day.
  4. Community Updates
    • Dog parks, 5G poles, The Helix, Route 1, Bike lanes, Construction, etc. Get updates on what’s happened in the last month and raise any questions you have.
  5. Open Floor
    • Any member is welcome to raise a topic for discussion.

This meeting is virtual, via Zoom, and open to all Aurora Highlands residents. Our Crystal City and Arlington Ridge neighbors are welcome to join as well.

Neighborhood News

Temporary dog run at Virginia Highlands Park officially open

Virginia Highlands Temporary Dog Run is now open for you and your dog to enjoy! Thank you to Pentagon City Dogs and Amazon for helping make this into a reality.

  • Location: two parcels off of 15th Street South near the baseball fields at Virginia Highlands Park.
  • Amenities: 5,700 sq. ft. area for large dogs, a 2,300 sq. ft. area for small dogs only, a water source, repurposed ADA accessible benches, message board and 5-foot-tall fencing.
  • Hours of operation: sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset

Learn more by visiting the Virginia Highlands Temporary Dog Run webpage.

VHP temp dog run

Photo Credit: Lowell Nelson

Highlands Urban Garden Update

The Highlands Urban Garden is very successful. We’re approaching 100 lbs of donated produce and are just beginning the summer cycle!  We may reach 500 lbs this year. Current crops being donated include mustard greens, lettuce, chard, kale, parsley, basil. We have in the ground for future donation:  tomatoes, peppers, pole beans, bush beans, cucumbers. We have a regular rotation of volunteers but always welcome more–sign up here. Although FOUA (Friends of Urban Agriculture) has been our guiding partner throughout this process since last summer, Livability22202 is gradually taking over responsibility.  By the end of the summer, we will need to decide if we plan to continue over the winter to the spring (likely), double the size of the plot (to be discussed and would require County approval and donor funding), and potentially replicate the pilot project elsewhere in 22202. Matt DeFerranti, Chair of the Arlington County Board, gave his opening statement for the National Landing BID’s annual meeting on June 21 standing in front of the HUG.

Virginia Highlands Synthetic Field Replacement Underway

The synthetic turf field replacement project at Virginia Highlands Park began on Wednesday, June 30. It should take about a month, weather permitting, to complete. The project will be replacing the synthetic turf field and equipment such as goals and flags. During construction, you can still use the natural grass rectangular community field on site. For more information on synthetic turf fields in Arlington County, visit this webpage. Learn more and sign up for updates by visiting the project webpage.

Renovations Needed to Hume School

For the past eight months, the Arlington Historical Society has been working with Milner Preservation, part of MFTA Architecture, an Arlington firm, to conduct a feasibility study of our museum located in the 1891 Hume School at the top of Arlington Ridge. Our beloved museum is the oldest standing school in the county and is on the National Register of Historic Places.  AHS is committed to doing the work on this property to make it the first-class museum this great county deserves. The feasibility study indicated that the museum building was structurally sound. However, extensive preservation work does need to be done to protect the building from further deterioration.  See more details here.

AHS is looking for your support.  Arlington needs a first-class museum to share its history and together we can make that happen!  If you would like to donate to this preservation and renovation effort, please visit the secure donation site.

Target (and more) coming to Pentagon Row

According to Arlnow, a permit was submitted to the County for adding a Target store in the old Bed Bath and Beyond space, to “include retail sales of merchandise and groceries” but “no food or beverage preparation.” No opening date is known. This would add to other recently added businesses, mostly eateries, including an ABC store, Mattie and Eddie’s Irish pub, Bun’d Up & Wild Tiger BBQ pop-up, Napoli Salumeria, and Origin Coffee Lab and Kitchen. Opening soon: Nighthawk Pizza, featuring low-ABV beer; Lucky Danger Chinese restaurant; Mimi’s Handmade Ice Cream.

Crystal City Benefits from the Newly Proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

County Manager Mark Schwartz has proposed a $1.25 billion three-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that focuses on meeting Arlington’s existing commitments, increasing infrastructure maintenance, and beginning investments in long-term plans and programs. A key element is that “Crystal City parks and public space” are included. Proposed funding for new public infrastructure in Crystal City includes a new limited-service library in Crystal City, as early as 2024, two parks in Crystal City, at 15th Street S. and at S. Clark and S. Bell Street, and a second Crystal City Metro Station entrance at Crystal Dr. and 18th St. S.

Although all three area civic associations requested for the past two years that master planning for Virginia Highlands Park be included in the CIP, it is not included in the proposed budget. However, Schwartz noted that “with the increasing rate of redevelopment in the National Landing area, I have asked staff to convene a near-term review of the parks and open space plans, learning from the 22202 Livability Initiative, with the objective of being ready for a more comprehensive discussion as part of next spring’s 10-year CIP,” Schwartz said. 

Cicadas & “Flagging” Tree Branches

The Brood X magicicada are now gone for the next 17 years, but signs of their brief time with us are still here. You may have noticed little broken branches with browning leaves on many local deciduous trees, especially those that recently hosted choruses of cicada. The female cicada lays her eggs in a slit in these small branches, which weaken and often drop off in a condition called flagging. No harm is done to healthy larger trees, although saplings and unhealthy trees may be damaged. The hatched nymphs may fall to the ground before the flagging branch falls off, so picking up and disposing of these damaged branches is probably not harming future cicadas. However, the University of Maryland Extension site does not recommend tree pruning until the fall.  Read more here: https://extension.umd.edu/resource/cicadas.  

Cultural Reopenings

The Arlington Historical Society celebrated the grand reopening of the Arlington Historical Museum on July 4th with traditional holiday food, special tours, and a chance to listen to and meet with local leaders. The museum, located in the historic Hume School,  is returning to its regular open schedule:   Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. View a video, Hume School: Past, Present, and Futures, recorded in May 2021, that discusses the history of the Hume School and AHS plans for the future. Donations, memberships, and visitors are welcome and appreciated.

The Arlington County Aurora Hills Branch Library, which shares the building at 735 18t St. South with the Aurora Hills Community Center, reopened on Tuesday, July 6.  Currently, all five opened libraries are providing the same hours (Mon-Tues 10-5, Wed-Thurs 12-7, Fri-Sat 12-5) and services, including access to printers and scanners, self service pick-up, free WiFi, seating, and collection access and assistance.  Find out more here: https://library.arlingtonva.us/2021/07/02/three-additional-library-locations-to-open-hours-expand-across-the-system/  Better yet – check it out!

Summer House Offers Outdoor Space for Work and Fun in Crystal City

“Summer House,” a colorful, beach-themed outdoor workspace and social spot, debuted June 16 in  Crystal City.  This nostalgic neon installation, sponsored by the National Landing Business Improvement District, is located at 101 12th Street S., a grassy area near Long Bridge Park. The pop-up open space was the site of a BID-funded art installation earlier this year and is slated to be redeveloped as an office building. During the day, people can take advantage of remote-work essentials such as standing desks and WiFi. After work, the National Landing BID envisions the area transforming into a gathering place for locals, with food and drink provided by local businesses including The Freshman, which recently opened, and Peruvian Brothers.  Additionally, the BID will host weekly events throughout August such as tie-dyeing, yoga and happy hours.  Read more here.

Business Opening / Closings

  • Rasa. Bowl-based, Indian fare.10:30AM-9PM. 2200 Crystal Drive, Ste F
  • Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery. Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily to start, with plans to expand to 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends. 1550 Crystal Dr.
  • Also of note – Freddies on 23rd street celebrated their 20th anniversary in June. Congratulations!

Planning & Development

Pentagon City Planning Study Preferred Scenario Notes

The consultants and county staff presented their preferred development scenario to the PDSP focus group. Slides are available here. This represents the proposed density, location, massing and potential design guidelines for additional new density they anticipate to be allowed in Pentagon City. The new 2-3x density is said to be necessary to achieve the public realm proposals, such as the green ribbon and open space improvements, that have been previously discussed. AHCA feedback focused on ensuring new density is less near the lower density areas of 22202, specifically at River House, ensuring new open space actually achieves what is being claimed, and community priorities for public realm improvements as raised in the civic association survey are achieved. 

The fifth public meeting for the Pentagon City Planning Study was held on April 26, but the Focus Group then met on May 27, June 10, and June 24. Release of a Draft Plan for Comment by email and posted on the County website is expected mid-July, with another Focus Group meeting July 29. As this is a critical element that will affect development in Pentagon City for a generation, we have invited the lead County Planner and our AHCA rep to provide an update to the community at our July 14 monthly AHCA meeting.

Pentagon City Planning Study Reduces Open Public Green Space

That is the title of objective analysis of the potential impact of the Pentagon City Planning Study’s park scenarios on equity and Open Park Space (OPS). The report is a follow-up to the Arlington County’s Civic Federation’s Equity in Open Public Space paper and is aligned with the 2019 Arlington County articulated goal of “[ensuring] that our actions and policies implement the County’s vision in an equitable way” through its Equity Resolution.

This report evaluates how much new OPS would be needed to maintain comparable (already underserved OPS) access for Pentagon City residents by evaluating illustrative scenarios in which parks were built, reconfigured, or expanded. 

The analysis finds that the plans so far articulated within the Pentagon City Planning Study fail to meet Arlington’s equity goals and exacerbate existing inequities:

  • “If the plans articulated in the Pentagon City Planning Study materialize, Pentagon City (PC) residents—particularly its lower-income residents—will end up with some of the worst access to open public green space in the county.”
  • If the density increases by 2.5 times or approximately 12,000 people, Pentagon City will need at a minimum of 8.5 acres dedicated specifically to OPS to maintain the approximately the same underserved levels of OPS access for PC residents that exist today. This does not account for the loss of existing publicly-accessible private green spaces. 
  • The minimum need for 8.5 new acres of OPS does not include any additional acreage necessary for new recreational facilities or other types of facilities such as schools.  

The Equity in OPS Study focusing on Pentagon City shows that the inequities that exist now will be exacerbated and that there will need to be significant shifts in public land use on Virginia Highlands Park and the need for additional of public parkland to compensate for the density increases.

VDOT Route 1 Multimodal Improvements Feasibility Study

On June 16, VDOT held its third Public Meeting for the Route 1 project. During the meeting, VDOT recommended the hybrid at-grade proposal for 15th and for 18th, which our community in general does not support. Please review the meeting recording and  the presentation slide deck on the VDOT website:  https://www.virginiadot.org/projects/northern_virginia/route_1_multimodal_improvements_study-third_virtual_public_information_meeting.asp

The Livability22202 Route 1 Working Group responded by sending out several documents: a press release and letters to the County Board, VDOT, and legislators. All of these documents are available through the Livability 22202 Route 1 Working Group website: https://livability22202.org/route-1-working-group/.

“The Arlington 22202 Civic Associations united in Livability22202 find VDOT’s Feasibility Study of Route 1 Multimodal Improvements to be incomplete. It raises further questions, fails to address a number of community concerns, and recommends a traffic pattern that, by VDOT’s own recognition, reduces safety. If Arlington County and the state proceed without addressing these concerns, our community will be further divided by a dangerous, wide road that puts cars before pedestrians and bike. The Associations urge the Arlington County Board not to approve the study when submitted unless these larger questions and concerns are addressed.  Areas of concern are safety, process, traffic, urban design, and impact on our community.”

Please review the VDOT and livability 22202 materials and send YOUR comments in by Monday, July 12 – follow the instructions on the public meeting page.  The National Landing BID resources are found here: https://nationallanding.org/get-around/route1 

PenPlace / Amazon HQ2

This is the next phase of Amazon’s HQ2 is a proposed development in Pentagon City, proposing 3 office towers and “The Helix”. Updated “4.1 Plan Sheets” that describe the project buildings, site plans, etc were released on July 2: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/31/2021/07/PenPlace-4.1-Interim-Progress-2021-07-02.pdf To date the project has had two Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) meetings and a virtual public engagement opportunity for park planning.  The next LPRC for PenPlace will be held on July 13 7PM:  https://commissions.arlingtonva.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2021/07/LRPC-Meeting-Agenda-7.13.2021.pdf

Prioritizing Schools

Aurora Highlands along with Arlington Ridge and Crystal City Civic Associations sent a letter June 23 to the County Board, voicing support for the Board to develop a plan for the creation of more K-12 seats in 22202. The letter, prepared by the Livability Schools Working Group, calls for the County to engage with APS with the aim of siting an elementary school within walkable distance of a significant percentage of children in 22202. It calls for a long-term plan in next year’s CIP to address capacity issues at Gunston Middle School and Wakefield High School, through construction of existing facilities or new and innovative solutions leveraging partnerships with industry and commercial real estate developers.

Crystal City Bike Network

In March 2020 the County Board directed the County Manager to develop a plan for improving the bicycle network in Crystal City within the next four years, by Dec. 31, 2024. The area covered by this plan is bounded by Richmond Highway (Route 1) on the west and Crystal Drive on the east, from the Alexandria border north to Long Bridge Park. The initial draft route proposed at the first public meeting was widely criticized for being dangerous, confusing, incoherent, and incomplete, and for not supporting a northbound protected bike lane on Crystal Drive.  Read the SUSMO critique of the first version here: https://susmo.org/action-items/crystal-city-bike-network/ 

The second Public meeting was held June 15: Meeting recording, presentation slides, and Q&A are available through the project page.  The revised plan is better, but still needs improvement.

15th Street Realignment Project and Temporary Park

Although the project is now at a 90% design stage, the County held its first public engagement meeting on June 22. The redesign includes an interim park on the north side of 15th Street from Crystal Drive to Clark/Bell which is being redesigned at 15th Street to a 4-way signalized intersection. The park is an improvement, resulting from strong push back to the original median strip park over a year ago from the CCCA, CCCRC, the BID, and local developers. There will be protected bike lanes on both sides of 15th and parking on the south.  A new bike/ped lane will be built on the west side of Clark/Bell from 12th to 15th Streets. A 14th Road from Clark/Bell to Crystal Drive will provide loading access for the Crown Plaza Hotel.  A 100% design is planned by winter 2021; procurement in fall 2022; and construction winter 2022 to spring/summer 2024.  A public engagement period is now open until July 9.  See the project page to review the design plans.. The link to the engagement form is here. Check out SUSMO comments: https://susmo.org/action-items/15th-clark/

Army-Navy Drive PBL (Protected Bike Lane) Missing Link

This section of the corridor was identified as a “missing link” for enhanced bicycle facilities by members of the community during public engagement for the Army Navy Drive Complete Streets project. The project team is developing preliminary concept designs that include enhanced bike lanes and right-of-way improvements along this one-block segment of the Army Navy Drive corridor.  Staff are scheduling engagement opportunities to incorporate public feedback into the concept design process.  The current request for public comments are on the current conditions only.  Share what works and doesn’t work with the existing roadway layout, signals, sidewalks and bike lanes in this online feedback form and interactive comment map: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NVD385C. https://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/army-navy-drive-pbl-missing-link/

Second Entrance for CC Metro

Plans for improving access to the Crystal City Metrorail station include a new entrance near Crystal Drive, at the east end of the station, to provide easier access from Crystal Drive, the VRE station and the Metroway transit station at Crystal Drive and 18th Street South. WMATA is hosting a Public Meeting on Tuesday, July 13, 6:30 (unfortunately in conflict with the PenPlace meeting): https://projects.arlingtonva.us/events/virtual-public-hearing-crystal-city-metrorail-station-proposed-second-entrance/

You can watch the meeting through the WMATA project page:  https://www.wmata.com/initiatives/plans/crystal-city-second-entrance.cfm. Provide written comments by 5 pm Friday, July 23, 2021 – Take the survey, provide written comments or upload documents. https://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/crystal-city-metro-station-second-entrance/.

Crystal City Heights Study

The county Planning Commission has been reviewing the potential to increase height limits in the Crystal City area, including west of Route one in Aurora Highlands. The goal is to allow for greater variation and improved architectural variety in the area. At one point the Planning Commission discussed including new density allotments as part of this study, but thanks to pushback from the 22202 civic associations and developers, that will not occur in this process. The fifth LRPC meeting on this topic was held on June 23. You can view the documents and meeting recordings here. The next LRPC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 28. https://projects.arlingtonva.us/plans-studies/crystal-city-building-heights-study/

Roaches Run Project Disappeared from Radar

At the May 19 CCCA meeting, we were very disappointed to learn from the Regional Superintendent for the National Park Service that the 2012 environmental study for developing Roaches Run as a biopreserve with boardwalks that would not disturb nature had disappeared from their radar scope.  This study and a potential walking trail from Roaches Run to the airport access road constituted one of the February 22, 2020, Open Space working group sub-groups.  (Our April 17 clean up of the trail area was part of our objective to push the trail project, but that project is on hold while the County conducts a Crystal City Heights development study.).  To get the environmental project back on the radar scope, we will need to launch a campaign with the County to urge that this be done.  Following successful political pressure, funding will be needed as NPS has no money for the project. Stay tuned for a discussion of this campaign in the near future.

Construction Updates

Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Center Opening Soon

Years in the making, the aquatics center will open sometime this summer. It features a pool for competitive swimming and a family pool, a center with fitness equipment, and spaces for classes, parties and events.  At the May 19 Crystal City Civic Association (CCCA) meeting, County staff gave an excellent and informative update on the Long Bridge Park expansion; see meeting video here. Staff plan a “soft opening” this summer and a grand opening this fall.  Check out the park website and links to see illustrations of the new facilities and ground and the proposed fee schedules.

Bus stop relocations at Pentagon City Metro Station start Sunday

Bus stops near the corner of South Hayes Street and 12th Street South will be closed for construction for four weeks. Starting Sunday, July 11, bus stops A, B and C along South Hayes Street at the Pentagon City Metro station will be closed while in-road concrete pads are installed at the bus bays. Buses that serve the closed stops will be temporarily relocated. The bus stop relocations will mainly impact Metrobus and Metroway service and will not impact ART bus service. Visit the ART website for a map of temporary boarding locations starting July 11.

Dominion Power Crystal Substation

Watch the March 13 Public Meeting recording:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcD2dDAzCnM: Construction plans are discussed from approximately 5:30 through 13:30. We are in Phase 1, and the westward protected bike lanes have been closed, so cyclists need to use the sharrow instead.   Send a message to powerline@dominionenergy.com or call 888-291-0190 to be added to their mailing list for construction updates. Construction plans do not appear to be posted on their website at this time. Review the Dominion Power Crystal City Substation website for their perspective and for materials from their prior public engagement: https://www.dominionenergy.com/projects-and-facilities/electric-projects/power-line-projects/crystal 

The Milton @ Pentagon Centre

Footing to grade, projected completion date – August 16, 2021. From grade to completion, projected completion date – February 10, 2023. Modified Fence line at Grant Street. Modified pedestrian and vehicular travel on 15th street and S. Hayes Street. Please continue to watch for posted directional signage. If you have any further questions, please call 301-220-0100. 

Met Park 6/7/8

On July 14, crews will begin dismantling tower crane #5 at 14th Street and S. Elm Street. This work will occur during approved construction hours. To support this operation, portions of 14th Street and S. Elm Street will be closed temporarily. Residents should expect intermittent traffic stops on S. Fair Street, 14th Street, and S. Elm Street. The Gramercy parking garage will remain accessible. Flaggers will be present to assist with traffic flow. As a reminder, deliveries to the project are being received at the jobsite entrance on 14th Street and S. Elm Street and require intermittent traffic stops and, at times, traffic rerouting. Flaggers are assisting with traffic flow. For more details, see https://www.metpark678.com/ or contact metpark678@clarkconstruction.com.

1900 S Crystal Drive (Two residential towers)

Construction officially began at 1900 Crystal Drive on Monday, March 29th. Demolition of the remaining structure is underway. In the last month, the development team has completed demolition of the garage structure and some early utility work. The support of excavation piles have been installed, with corresponding lagging and tiebacks currently underway. Over the next 30 days, excavation of the site will continue, lagging and tiebacks will continue to be installed, and auger cast pile drilling will begin. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the project team with any questions, comments or concerns at 1900CrystalDrive@jbgsmith.com or 240-333-3600. https://projects.arlingtonva.us/projects/1900-crystal-drive/

Upcoming Meetings / Public Engagement

Aurora Highlands Civic Association, July 14

Wednesday July 14, 7pm. Matt Mattauszek, Crystal City/Pentagon City Planning Coordinator for Arlington County, will provide an update on the Pentagon City Planning Study, which is entering the final phase and draft recommendations. Ben D’Avanzo, the AHCA rep on the Planning Study Focus Group will also be on hand to talk about areas we as a community may still have issues. Jon Huntley and neighbor Kari Klaus will also present research done with the Civic Federation on how currently proposed scenarios will negatively impact equity to open public space. It will be critical to understand the current scenarios and timing for this final phase for our neighborhood to influence the results, which will impact how Pentagon City will be developed over the next generation. https://aurorahighlands.org/event/ahca-july-meeting/ 

CC2DCA Project, July 15

In 2017, the Crystal City BID (now the National Landing BID) initiated the CC2DCA Feasibility Study to help realize the area’s desires for enhanced airport connectivity and sustainability. In addition to connecting DCA to Crystal City, CC2DCA would also connect to the VRE and Metro stations and the Mt. Vernon Trail. A public meeting will be held on July 15 at 7PM to cover background, the NEPA project, and next steps.  Details and logon are in the meeting link: https://projects.arlingtonva.us/events/community-meeting-crystal-city-to-ronald-reagan-washington-national-airport-multimodal-connector-cc2dca-study/

Arlington Ridge Civic Association Membership Meeting, July 15

Darren Buck will provide an update on VDOT’s turn-around recommendation to convert Route 1 into a local main street bordered by shops, along with the three 22202 civic associations Livability response. A Representative of Arlington County will discuss the CIP Process (Capital Improvement Plan): the County’s 10 year plan for building, maintaining, upgrading or replacing facilities and infrastructure). https://arcaonline.org/

Crystal City Civic Association, July 21

The CCCA will convene Wednesday, July 21, 7PM to learn about the revised JBGS plans for Crystal Plaza 5 (2250 Crystal Drive and 223 23rd) on Block M in Crystal City and to hear an update on plans for the Virginia Tech Innovation Campus on Potomac Avenue in Potomac Yards – Alexandria: https://vt.edu/innovationcampus/about.html  Please preregister to attend the virtual CCCA meeting – look for instructions on the CCCA webpage: https://www.crystalcitycivic.org/


2021 Summer Music in the Park Series

Aurora Highlands is fortunate to have a diverse range of local musicians performing for our neighborhood at Virginia Highlands Park every Saturday, 6:30-8:00pm. If you’re lucky, you may have already enjoyed music by Jim Sheats, Emmanuel Trifilio, Carter Farm Band, Ardmore, Gary Chambers, or Bella & Waylon. There are two weekends left, with Sunshine Gang performing classic rock July 17, and Jim Sheats One Man Band returning July 24th to close out the series. Don’t forget to thank the musicians and neighborhood volunteers that put this together for your enjoyment. https://aurorahighlands.org/music/

Fridays at the Fountain

Did someone say live music, delicious Peruvian food, and beer & wine? That’s right, Fridays at the Fountain is back every Friday from June through October!  This outdoor concert series features local bands and musicians and is free to attend. Food and drinks are available for purchase through the Peruvian Brothers at The Stand. Reserve your spot now and enjoy great live music under the stars with your family and friends. Due to COVID restrictions, there are strict attendance caps in place and pre-registration will be required to attend. Reserve your seat now for groups of up to 6. Children under 2 do not need a ticket. There will be no standing room and masks will be required at all times when not seated.  Learn more and register here.  Enjoy the park before construction starts in the Fall on renovation following the approved JBG site plan amendment.

Do you have anything for our social media page? 

Email socialmedia@aurorahighlands.org and don’t forget to engage with our posts via comments and tagging. 

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Send inquiries to newsletter@aurorahighlands.org


Contact Us:
Web: www.aurorahighlands.org
Facebook, Twitter, Insta: @AuroraHighlands
Nextdoor – Aurora Highlands
P.O. Box 25201, Arlington, VA 22202

Current treasury balance as of 7/12/21: $12,994.91

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