Special Meeting on Melwood Zoning

0 Comments March 11, 2022 |

At the regular March 2022 AHCA meeting on Wednesday, Zoning Committee chair Stacy Meyer presented the Zoning Committee report on the application by Melwood to the County for a Special General Land Use Permit (GLUP) Study for the property at 750 23rd Street South, commensurate with their desire to increase the zoning density available on the site so they may subsequently file an application for a five/six story building at this location. It is anticipated that in addition to maintaining Melwood offices and facilities, the building will house 104 affordable residential units ranging in size between one and three bedrooms, 30 of which will be for people with disabilities. 

Zoning Committee memo re Melwood GLUP study

The AHCA members voted and passed a motion at the March 2022 meeting that there shall be a special emergency meeting of the AHCA membership on Monday, March 14 at 7 pm via Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to give members time to review the Zoning Committee report and decide whether the report should be adopted and sent forward to the appropriate County representatives (County Board and/or County Staff and/or County commissions).

Members are encouraged to read the attached report and attend the meeting ready to respectfully discuss the Zoning Committee’s findings and decide on the best way to proceed in the best interests of the neighborhood.

Further reading:

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